
動態規劃 (dynamic programming)

考慮多階段決策的問題,例如下方的最短路徑問題,需要從起點 A、經過中間站的 BCDE、走到終點 F;A 到 B 的距離為 1,D 到 F 的距離為 100 等等。

現在的問題很小,可以使用窮舉法 (method of enumeration) 找出所有的可能。走 ABDF 總距離 102、ABEF 總距離 8、ACDF 總距離 106、ACEF 總距離 9,所以最短路徑為 ABEF。

如何解決一般化的問題?首先考慮短視的策略  (myopic policy),站在 A 點時,在 B 和  C 兩條路中選擇 B (AB = 1 < 4 = AC);站在 B 點時,選擇 D;站在 D 點時,只能選擇 F。總成本為 102,路徑為 ABDF。


You Can’t Escape Hyperparameters and Latent Variables

Charles Isbell, You Can’t Escape Hyperparameters and Latent Variables: Machine Learning as a Software Engineering Enterprise, keynote speech at NeuIPS, Dec 8th, 2020. (slide 70: What have we learned?)

Successful technological fields have a moment when they become pervasive, important, and noticed. They are deployed into the world and, inevitably, something goes wrong. A badly designed interface leads to an aircraft disaster. A buggy controller delivers a lethal dose of radiation to a cancer patient. The field must then choose to mature and take responsibility for avoiding the harms associated with what it is producing. Machine learning has reached this moment. In this talk, I will argue that the community needs to adopt systematic approaches for creating robust artifacts that contribute to larger systems that impact the real human world. I will share perspectives from multiple researchers in machine learning, theory, computer perception, and education; discuss with them approaches that might help us to develop more robust machine-learning systems; and explore scientifically interesting problems that result from moving beyond narrow machine-learning algorithms to complete machine-learning systems.








Mathematics for Machine Learning

Marc Peter Deisenroth, A. Aldo Faisal, and Cheng Soon Ong, Mathematics for Machine Learning, Cambridge University Press, 2020. (pdf)

The book assumes the reader to have mathematical knowledge commonly covered in high school mathematics and physics. For example, the reader should have seen derivatives and integrals before, and geometric vectors in two or three dimensions. Starting from there, we generalize these concepts. Therefore, the target audience of the book includes undergraduate university students, evening learners and learners participating in online machine learning courses.



 科技島讀Ep.126 難產的台灣獨角獸|特別來賓 XREX 創辦人黃耀文,2020/12/20




 Nicholas Kulish, Giving Billions Fast, MacKenzie Scott Upends Philanthropy, NYT, Dec. 20, 2020.

By disbursing her money quickly and without much hoopla, Ms. Scott has pushed the focus away from the giver and onto the nonprofits she is trying to help. They are the types of organizations — historically Black colleges and universities, community colleges and groups that hand out food and pay off medical debts — that often fly beneath the radar of major foundations.

“If you look at the motivations for the way women engage in philanthropy versus the ways that men engage in philanthropy, there’s much more ego involved in the man, it’s much more transactional, it’s much more status driven,” said Debra Mesch, a professor at the Women’s Philanthropy Institute at Indiana University. “Women don’t like to splash their names on buildings, in general.”


Feedback Control Perspectives on Learning

Jeff Shamma, Feedback Control Perspectives on Learning, keynote speech at NeuIPS, Dec 8th, 2020.

The impact of feedback control is extensive. It is deployed in a wide array of engineering domains, including aerospace, robotics, automotive, communications, manufacturing, and energy applications, with super-human performance having been achieved for decades. Many settings in learning involve feedback interconnections, e.g., reinforcement learning has an agent in feedback with its environment, and multi-agent learning has agents in feedback with each other. By explicitly recognizing the presence of a feedback interconnection, one can exploit feedback control perspectives for the analysis and synthesis of such systems, as well as investigate trade-offs in fundamental limitations of achievable performance inherent in all feedback control systems. This talk highlights selected feedback control concepts—in particular robustness, passivity, tracking, and stabilization—as they relate to specific questions in evolutionary game theory, no-regret learning, and multi-agent learning.

Listening to Prof. Shamma's talk is always enjoyable and a great learning experience.  

The information on slide 3 by 2 prominent researchers in control:

K. Astrom, "Automatic Control – a Perspective," UON FEBE, 2019/9/5.

G. Stein, “Respect the unstable,” IEEE Control System Magazine, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 12–25, Aug. 2003. (Cartoons for slides 97 - 98)



An AI development platform for industrial systems

Kyle Wiggers, Microsoft launches Project Bonsai, an AI development platform for industrial systems, Venture Beat, May 19, 2020.

Microsoft announced the public preview of Project Bonsai, a platform for building autonomous industrial control systems, during its Build 2020 online conference. The company also debuted an experimental platform called Project Moab that’s designed to familiarize engineers and developers with Bonsai’s functionality.

Project Bonsai is a “machine teaching” service that combines machine learning, calibration, and optimization to bring autonomy to the control systems at the heart of robotic arms, bulldozer blades, forklifts, underground drills, rescue vehicles, wind and solar farms, and more. Control systems form a core component of machinery across sectors like manufacturing, chemical processing, construction, energy, and mining, helping manage everything from electrical substations and HVAC installations to fleets of factory floor robots. But developing AI and machine learning algorithms atop them — algorithms that could tackle processes previously too challenging to automate — requires expertise....





25 頁

金融的核心任務,是要解決人與人之間的跨期價值交換的問題。…… 這些跨期價值交換涉及人與人之間的跨期承諾 (intertemporal commitment),而跨期承諾是人類社會最難解決的挑戰。




Beat the Slots in Pokémon Using Reinforcement Learning

 Daniel Saunders, How I Beat the Slots in Pokémon Using Reinforcement Learning, towardsdatascience, 2020/12/10. (Python code)

Given a set of possible actions (“arms” of a multi-armed bandit — in this case different machines to try), Thompson sampling optimally trades off exploration vs exploitation to find the best action, by trying the promising actions more often, and so getting a more detailed estimate of their reward probabilities. At the same time, it’s still randomly suggesting the others from time to time, in case it turns out one of them is the best after all. At each step, the knowledge of the system, in the form of posterior probability distributions, is updated using Bayesian logic. The simplest version of the one-armed bandit problem involves Bernoulli trials, where there are only two possible outcomes, reward or no reward, and we are trying to determine which action has the highest probability of reward.

This is a nice article and it should be interesting to teach this example to motivate the students. 


聰明學統計的 13 又 1/2 堂課

愛荷譯聰明學統計的 13 又 1/2 堂課 : 每個數據背後都有戲, 搞懂才能做出正確判斷先覺,2013

C.J. Wheelan, Naked Statistics:  Stripping the Dread from the Data, W.W. Norton, 2013. 



為什麼是 13 又 1/2 堂呢?大概和美國的大學學制有關學期制一學期 15 週,扣掉考試差不多

246 頁作者舉例說明高爾夫課課程對平均桿數的影響線性迴歸分析當然沒辦法描述。我們需要的是非線性迴歸 (第七章)。






Artificial Intelligence — The Revolution Hasn’t Happened Yet (人工智慧 -- 革命尚未發生)

Michael Jordan, Artificial Intelligence — The Revolution Hasn’t Happened YetHarvard Data Science Review, Apr 19, 2018.

When my spouse was pregnant 14 years ago, we had an ultrasound. There was a geneticist in the room, and she pointed out some white spots around the heart of the fetus. “Those are markers for Down syndrome,” she noted, “and your risk has now gone up to one in 20.” She let us know that we could learn whether the fetus in fact had the genetic modification underlying Down syndrome via an amniocentesis, but amniocentesis was risky—the chance of killing the fetus during the procedure was roughly one in 300. Being a statistician, I was determined to find out where these numbers were coming from. In my research, I discovered that a statistical analysis had been done a decade previously in the UK in which these white spots, which reflect calcium buildup, were indeed established as a predictor of Down syndrome. I also noticed that the imaging machine used in our test had a few hundred more pixels per square inch than the machine used in the UK study. I returned to tell the geneticist that I believed that the white spots were likely false positives, literal white noise.

She said, “Ah, that explains why we started seeing an uptick in Down syndrome diagnoses a few years ago. That’s when the new machine arrived.”

We didn’t do the amniocentesis, and my wife delivered a healthy girl a few months later, but the episode troubled me, particularly after a back-of-the-envelope calculation convinced me that many thousands of people had gotten that diagnosis that same day worldwide, that many of them had opted for amniocentesis, and that a number of babies had died needlessly. The problem that this episode revealed wasn’t about my individual medical care; it was about a medical system that measured variables and outcomes in various places and times, conducted statistical analyses, and made use of the results in other situations. The problem had to do not just with data analysis per se, but with what database researchers call provenance—broadly, where did data arise, what inferences were drawn from the data, and how relevant are those inferences to the present situation? While a trained human might be able to work all of this out on a case-by-case basis, the issue was that of designing a planetary-scale medical system that could do this without the need for such detailed human oversight....




一下時,我的計程補考 (blog)。當時老師的教學方式是板書上課後給作業;對初學者而言,困難的是程式的邏輯 (if/for) 和除錯 (debug),邏輯可以借由上課中的例子說明之 (blog),但是除錯肯定是需要幫忙的。國內外許多課程都有類似的設計,例如元智資管的程設、交大應數的高等微積分,連頂尖的 MIT 都有 (課程說明),更何況是一般的學生。


Does Advertising Actually Work?

 Freakonomics441. Does Advertising Actually Work? (Part 2: Digital)   (Part 1: TV)

行銷的關鍵是要確定因果和相關,例如某大零售商一年只有在三個重要節日做廣告,銷售量的增加是因為季節效應、還是廣告?在這個有趣的節目裡面,和 eBay 合作的經濟學家,做了一個 A/B 測試實驗,說明其搜尋引擎關鍵字廣告效果有限。當時的 eBay 總經理因此決定縮減一億美元的線上廣告預算。

T. Blake, C. Nosko, and S. Tadelis, Consumer heterogeneity and paid search effectiveness: A large‐scale field experiment, Econometrica, 83 (1), pp. 155-174, 2015.

Our experiments show that the e ffectiveness of SEM is small for a well-known company like eBay and that the channel has been ine ffective on average....

We then use our experimental methods that control for endogeneity to fi nd a ROI of -63%, with a 95% con fidence interval of [-124%; -3%], rejecting the hypothesis that the channel yields positive returns at all.



這學期上一門大三的專案實作,今天談到以考試為主的傳統教學缺點,我舉兩個例子說明。朋友的小孩去年唸小二,學校教月的陰晴圓缺,竟然是用背誦的,小朋友痛苦不堪。朋友是工程碩士,透過兩個球體和觀察,了解月形狀的變化,輕輕鬆鬆就記下來了。令人驚訝的不是背不下來的小孩,而是班上九成的同學硬背下來,這才是教育的根本問題。更深層的原因是我們的師資培育方式,我們現在是包班制,這是制度造成的問題;數理比較抽象,在芬蘭需要具備有(理工) 碩士才能任教。



連以婷 「坦白說,我開始走創投是失敗的!」矽谷創業之神陳五福的創投心法練成術科技新報2020 年 02 月 28 日




Uber 應對失誤的 A/B 測試


當天晚上,身為Uber首席經濟學家的里斯特立刻打電話給當時的Uber執行長卡拉尼克(Travis Kalanick),劈頭直說:「這趟旅程爛透了,我再也不會用你的APP了。而且最糟糕的是,我連一句道歉都沒收到。」


The BAIR Blog

The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research (BAIR) blog

The BAIR Blog provides an accessible, general-audience medium for BAIR researchers to communicate research findings, perspectives on the field, and various updates. Posts are written by students, post-docs, and faculty in BAIR, and are intended to provide relevant and timely discussion of research findings and results, both to experts and the general audience. Posts on a variety of topics studied at BAIR will appear approximately once every two weeks.

They could explain the technical details in a nice and amazingly clear way, so I really enjoy their writing. Taking this blog as an example, they use two-way consistency and its corresponding picture to explain sparse graphical memory for robust planning


The Stoic Challenge (堅忍的挑戰)

William B. Irvine, The Stoic Challenge: A Philosopher's Guide to Becoming Tougher, Calmer, and More Resilient, W. W. Norton & Company, 2019.

A practical, refreshingly optimistic guide that uses centuries-old wisdom to help us better cope with the stresses of modern living.


Researchers develop machine-learning optimizer to slash product design costs

Brett Hansard, Researchers develop machine-learning optimizer to slash product design costs, Argonne National Laboratory,  NOVEMBER 16, 2020.

Speed up the product design optimization process: 

It employs a novel machine learning technique that helps users focus on how to most efficiently target computational resources. (Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence that allows systems to automatically learn and improve from experience.)

"ActivO runs the simulations in a very smart way and quickly identifies the parts of the design space we should focus on," explained Pal. "A process that used to take two to three months to give you the optimum design can now be completed within about a week."



馬友友是我非常喜愛的一位音樂家,這一次來台灣開音樂會,二話不說,馬上買票進場,也算圓了夢想。德弗乍克 (Antonín Leopold Dvořák) 的念故鄉是他的安可曲,觸動心弦;上網找了一下,有之前的錄影 (音樂從 2:26 開始)。








Odd Arne Westad, Restless Empire: China and the World since 1750,  Basic Books, 2015.

談中國近代史,因為國共兩黨、不同族群,產生了不一樣的史觀。作者是挪威的歷史學家,曾在北京大學和清華大學教學,從國際局勢和各方角力,提供了不同的視野,值得深讀,以增加我們看事情的廣度。24 頁的註釋資料,引用許多重要政治人物所說的話,和官方歷史教科書的說法有出入。



學習數學的四個層次:(4) 純粹滿足好奇心或求知慾

學習數學的四個層次:(0) 如何學數學(1) 代表具備基礎的知識與能力(2) 邏輯推理和抽象思考的能力(3) 在許多行業的應用(4) 純粹滿足好奇心或求知慾

2015/12/1 初稿,持續更新中。

  • 因為內在的動力與好奇心,許多數學家 (和許多研究人員一樣) 終其一身,都在解決一些未知的問題。
  • 許多看似沒用的數學理論,後來卻發現有許多有趣且重要的應用。


A Nonparametric Approach to Modeling Choice with Limited Data

Vivek F. Farias, Srikanth Jagabathula, and Devavrat Shah, A Nonparametric Approach to Modeling Choice with Limited Data, Management Science, February 2013, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 305-322. 

Choice models today are ubiquitous across a range of applications in operations and marketing. Real-world implementations of many of these models face the formidable stumbling block of simply identifying the “right” model of choice to use. Because models of choice are inherently high-dimensional objects, the typical approach to dealing with this problem is positing, a priori, a parametric model that one believes adequately captures choice behavior. This approach can be substantially suboptimal in scenarios where one cares about using the choice model learned to make fine-grained predictions; one must contend with the risks of mis-specification and overfitting/underfitting. Thus motivated, we visit the following problem: For a “generic” model of consumer choice (namely, distributions over preference lists) and a limited amount of data on how consumers actually make decisions (such as marginal information about these distributions), how may one predict revenues from offering a particular assortment of choices? An outcome of our investigation is a nonparametric approach in which the data automatically select the right choice model for revenue predictions. The approach is practical. Using a data set consisting of automobile sales transaction data from a major U.S. automaker, our method demonstrates a 20% improvement in prediction accuracy over state-of-the-art benchmark models; this improvement can translate into a 10% increase in revenues from optimizing the offer set. We also address a number of theoretical issues, among them a qualitative examination of the choice models implicitly learned by the approach. We believe that this paper takes a step toward “automating” the crucial task of choice model selection.

The authors formulated the minimum revenue problem under consumer choices as a linear programming with exponential growing of decision variables in terms of product number. Based on duality, they developed polynomial-time algorithms by using constraint sampling and efficient representation of purchase permutations. Profs. Farias and Shah then founded the company Celect and was later acquired by Nike. Once again, it demonstrates the positive cycle of advanced research and academic-industrial collaboration.




Dan Senor and Saul Singer, Start-up Nation: the story of Israel’s economic miracle, Twelve, 2011.



50 years of Data Science

David Donoho, 50 Years of Data Science, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Volume 26, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 745-766.

More than 50 years ago, John Tukey called for a reformation of academic statistics. In “The Future of Data Analysis,” he pointed to the existence of an as-yet unrecognized science, whose subject of interest was learning from data, or “data analysis.” Ten to 20 years ago, John Chambers, Jeff Wu, Bill Cleveland, and Leo Breiman independently once again urged academic statistics to expand its boundaries beyond the classical domain of theoretical statistics; Chambers called for more emphasis on data preparation and presentation rather than statistical modeling; and Breiman called for emphasis on prediction rather than inference. Cleveland and Wu even suggested the catchy name “data science” for this envisioned field. A recent and growing phenomenon has been the emergence of “data science” programs at major universities, including UC Berkeley, NYU, MIT, and most prominently, the University of Michigan, which in September 2015 announced a $100M “Data Science Initiative” that aims to hire 35 new faculty. Teaching in these new programs has significant overlap in curricular subject matter with traditional statistics courses; yet many academic statisticians perceive the new programs as “cultural appropriation.” This article reviews some ingredients of the current “data science moment,” including recent commentary about data science in the popular media, and about how/whether data science is really different from statistics. The now-contemplated field of data science amounts to a superset of the fields of statistics and machine learning, which adds some technology for “scaling up” to “big data.” This chosen superset is motivated by commercial rather than intellectual developments. Choosing in this way is likely to miss out on the really important intellectual event of the next 50 years. Because all of science itself will soon become data that can be mined, the imminent revolution in data science is not about mere “scaling up,” but instead the emergence of scientific studies of data analysis science-wide. In the future, we will be able to predict how a proposal to change data analysis workflows would impact the validity of data analysis across all of science, even predicting the impacts field-by-field. Drawing on work by Tukey, Cleveland, Chambers, and Breiman, I present a vision of data science based on the activities of people who are “learning from data,” and I describe an academic field dedicated to improving that activity in an evidence-based manner. This new field is a better academic enlargement of statistics and machine learning than today’s data science initiatives, while being able to accommodate the same short-term goals.








花二千萬建回收廠, 遇旱保住訂單

當時 ,川湖只要停工一天 ,就是一千二百萬元的損失 ;同時,假如無法出貨 ,客戶便會轉向中國的工廠下單。






Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning by DeepMind

Ian Osband, Yotam Doron, Matteo Hessel, John Aslanides, Eren Sezener, Andre Saraiva, Katrina McKinney, Tor Lattimore, Csaba Szepesvari, Satinder Singh, Benjamin Van Roy, Richard Sutton, David Silver, Hado Van Hasselt, Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning,  ICLR 2020. (code)

This paper introduces the Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning, or bsuite for short. bsuite is a collection of carefully-designed experiments that investigate core capabilities of reinforcement learning (RL) agents with two objectives. First, to collect clear, informative and scalable problems that capture key issues in the design of general and efficient learning algorithms. Second, to study agent behaviour through their performance on these shared benchmarks. To complement this effort, we open source this http URL, which automates evaluation and analysis of any agent on bsuite. This library facilitates reproducible and accessible research on the core issues in RL, and ultimately the design of superior learning algorithms. Our code is Python, and easy to use within existing projects. We include examples with OpenAI Baselines, Dopamine as well as new reference implementations. Going forward, we hope to incorporate more excellent experiments from the research community, and commit to a periodic review of bsuite from a committee of prominent researchers.


和和機械 5 年前關鍵布局

林洧楨 ,亞洲切彎管機王揭5年前關鍵布局:我一猶豫就死了! 41歲黑手廠挖台積電人才 和和怎麼躲過工具機衰退?,商業周刊,2020-10-15




Important Papers That Were Rejected (Several Times) ...

FIONA MACDONALD, 8 Scientific Papers That Were Rejected Before Going on to Win a Nobel Prize, Science Alert, 19 AUGUST 2016.

Peer-review involves having a group of independent researchers read every paper submitted to a journal to make sure that the methods and conclusions are solid. They will often suggest revisions to be made, and can reject a paper if they think more work needs to be done, or if it's not the right fit for the journal.

Following rejection, the end product is usually better than it would have been originally - or it at least, ends up in a more appropriate journal.

Joshua S. Gans and George B. Shepherd, How Are the Mighty Fallen: Rejected Classic Articles by Leading Economists, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Winter, 1994), pp. 165-179.

This paper presents a selection of dispatches from the publication battlefront. We begin by discussing rejections that winners of the Nobel Prize and John Bates Clark Medal have endured, and some other notable cases. We then turn to the record of John Maynard Keynes' quirky refusals, when he was the Economics Journal's editor, of several important articles and authors. Finally, we offer some thoughts about the implications of these findings.



陳怡如  全球最大數位紡織雲來了!當亞馬遜遇見Frontier,時尚新裝從300天縮短到7天上架!,遠見2020-10-05




原先系統辨識一塊布料的時間需要15分鐘,現在透過AWS的雲端資源助攻,辨識時間大幅縮短為40秒。2019年趙均埔登上有著「服飾業最創新論壇」之稱的PI Apparel舞台,底下坐著UA、Nike、Target等一線品牌大咖,從此讓Frontier一炮而紅。


A few useful things to know about machine learning

Pedro Domingos, A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning, Communications of the ACM, 2012, Vol. 55, No. 10, Pages 78-87.

This article summarizes 12 key lessons that machine learning researchers and practitioners have learned. These include pitfalls to avoid, important issues to focus on, and answers to common questions. 

Table 1 The three components of learning algorithms.

Learning = Representation + Evaluation + Optimization 

This is a nice overview article which could be assigned as an entry-level course reading. For a teacher, you could cover these topics or provide enough background material in your course so that the students could explore the content by themselves. 


Statistical Modeling: The Two Cultures

Leo Breiman, Statistical Modeling: The Two CulturesStatistical Science, 2001, Vol. 16, No. 3, 199–231.

There are two cultures in the use of statistical modeling to reach conclusions from data. One assumes that the data are generated by a given stochastic data model. The other uses algorithmic models and treats the data mechanism as unknown. The statistical community has been committed to the almost exclusive use of data models. This commitment has led to irrelevant theory, questionable conclusions, and has kept statisticians from working on a large range of interesting current problems. Algorithmic modeling, both in theory and practice, has developed rapidly in fields outside statistics. It can be used both on large complex data sets and as a more accurate and informative alternative to data modeling on smaller data sets. If our goal as a field is to use data to solve problems, then we need to move away from exclusive dependence on data models and adopt a more diverse set of tools.


Introducing data science

Davy Cielen, Arno D. B. Meysman, and Mohamed Ali, Introducing data science: Big data, machine learning, and more, using Python tools, Manning, May 2016.

Introducing Data Science explains vital data science concepts and teaches you how to accomplish the fundamental tasks that occupy data scientists. You'll explore data visualization, graph databases, the use of NoSQL, and the data science process. You'll use the Python language and common Python libraries as you experience firsthand the challenges of dealing with data at scale. Discover how Python allows you to gain insights from data sets so big that they need to be stored on multiple machines, or from data moving so quickly that no single machine can handle it. This book gives you hands-on experience with the most popular Python data science libraries, Scikit-learn and StatsModels. After reading this book, you'll have the solid foundation you need to start a career in data science.


Data Science in Production: Building Scalable Model Pipelines with Python

Ben Weber, Data Science in Production: Building Scalable Model Pipelines with Python, Independently published, 2020.

Putting predictive models into production is one of the most direct ways that data scientists can add value to an organization. By learning how to build and deploy scalable model pipelines, data scientists can own more of the model production process and more rapidly deliver data products.


Decisive actions to emerge stronger in the next normal

Kevin Sneader, Shubham Singhal, and Bob Sternfels, What now? Decisive actions to emerge stronger in the next normal, McKinsey & Company, September 2020 (pdf)

  1. Think of the return as a muscle
  2. Focus on high-impact actions
  3. Rebuild for speed
  4. Reimagine the workforce from the top down
  5. Make bold portfolio moves
  6. Reset technology plans
  7. Rethink the global footprint
  8. Take the lead on climate and sustainability
  9. Think about the role of regulation and government
  10. Make purpose part of everything



曾如瑩、管婺媛,工具機天王遇斷鏈潮,怎麼堅持豐田管理的零庫存,商業周刊,2020 年 08 月 31 日


王慶華答(以下簡稱王):豐田汽車當然(曾經)因為天災而斷鏈,但它也是全世界恢復最快的。企業講究長期利益,不是講短期利益的。斷貨(鏈)是事實沒錯,有存貨者,可能在疫情爆發這 3 個月中活得比別人好,但就是贏這 3 個月,之後呢?即便賺到比別人多一倍的利潤,也只有短期,庫存總會用完。


Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook

Charu C. Aggarwal, Linear Algebra and Optimization for Machine Learning: A Textbook, Springer, 1st ed, 2020.

This textbook introduces linear algebra and optimization in the context of machine learning. Examples and exercises are provided throughout the book. A solution manual for the exercises at the end of each chapter is available to teaching instructors. This textbook targets graduate level students and professors in computer science, mathematics and data science. Advanced undergraduate students can also use this textbook. The chapters for this textbook are organized as follows: 


The New Business of AI (and How It’s Different From Traditional Software)

 Martin Casado and Matt Bornstein, The New Business of AI (and How It’s Different From Traditional Software), a16z.com, February 16, 2020.

We are huge believers in the power of AI to transform business: We’ve put our money behind that thesis, and we will continue to invest heavily in both applied AI companies and AI infrastructure. However, we have noticed in many cases that AI companies simply don’t have the same economic construction as software businesses. At times, they can even look more like traditional services companies. In particular, many AI companies have:

  1. Lower gross margins due to heavy cloud infrastructure usage and ongoing human support;
  2. Scaling challenges due to the thorny problem of edge cases;
  3. Weaker defensive moats due to the commoditization of AI models and challenges with data network effects....

 Building, scaling, and defending great AI companies – practical advice for founders 

  • Eliminate model complexity as much as possible. 
  • Choose problem domains carefully – and often narrowly – to reduce data complexity. 
  • Plan for high variable costs.
  • Embrace services.
  • Plan for change in the tech stack. 
  • Build defensibility the old-fashioned way. 


英業達使用 5G 讓 AI 取代人眼審查


2020年8月中,英業達架設起5G企業專網,利用上傳100Mbps及下載1Gbps的高速,串連生產車間上的AOI(自動光學檢測,Automated Optical Inspection)系統,不僅人力安排減少9成,產線直通率(FPY, First Pass Yield)更拉高至85%。...

差別在於,AOI 告別「單站」智慧,改採「集中」智慧。










Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning

Gilbert Strang. 18.065 Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning. Spring 2018. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, https://ocw.mit.edu. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. (book)

Strang 教授教這門課的時候 83 歲,真的是終身學習的好典範。在美國,這種對專業的執著 (Tapley 教授) 令人欽佩。另外一個例子是 Breiman 教授,71 歲投稿隨機森林 (Random forests),成為經典論文;其他幾篇重要論文,大都在 65 歲以後以單一作者發表! 


Programming for the Puzzled

Srini Devadas, Programming for the Puzzled: Learn to Program While Solving Puzzles, The MIT Press, 2017.  

Learning programming with one of “the coolest applications around”: algorithmic puzzles ranging from scheduling selfie time to verifying the six degrees of separation hypothesis.


Rob Smedley From Formula 1 Talks About Using AWS to Improve the Fan Experience

AWS re:Invent 2019 – Rob Smedley From Formula 1 Talks About Using AWS to Improve the Fan Experience, 2019/12/4

Formula 1 has been using Amazon EC2 for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to simulate race car aerodynamics, achieving the performance of a super computer at a much lower cost and reducing simulation time by an average of 70% — from 60 hours down to 18 hours. With the CFD project, Formula 1 used over 500 million data points to study downforce loss when two vehicles race in close proximity. (A car’s downforce increases its tire grip and cornering speed and reduces lap time.) Based on its CFD simulations, Formula 1 has designed a car for the 2021 racing season that reduces downforce loss in wheel-to-wheel racing from 50% to 15% — and offers a more exciting experience for fans.

More information.



Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Data Analytics

 Jules S. Damji, Brooke Wenig, Tathagata Das, and Denny Lee, Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Data Analytics, 2nd edition, 2020, O’Reilly Media. (code)

We welcome you to the second edition of Learning Spark. It’s been five years since the first edition was published in 2015, originally authored by Holden Karau, Andy Konwinski, Patrick Wendell, and Matei Zaharia. This new edition has been updated to reflect Apache Spark’s evolution through Spark 2.x and Spark 3.0, including its expanded ecosystem of built-in and external data sources, machine learning, and streaming technologies with which Spark is tightly integrated.

Over the years since its first 1.x release, Spark has become the de facto big data unified processing engine. Along the way, it has extended its scope to include support for various analytic workloads. Our intent is to capture and curate this evolution for readers, showing not only how you can use Spark but how it fits into the new era of big data and machine learning. Hence, we have designed each chapter to build progressively on the foundations laid by the previous chapters, ensuring that the content is suited for our intended audience....

Most of the examples in the chapters are written in Scala, Python, and SQL. Where necessary, we have infused a bit of Java. 
 The ebook is available for download once you fill in your information at Databrick


Jim Keller 為英特爾開出的藥方

工程師在波特蘭,Jim Keller來了,2020 年 08 月 12 日

JK的第一個改革非常符合邏輯, 簡單來說就是兩個重點: IP re-use (重複使用), 還有在IP部門的開發時程和產品部門的整合時程上盡可能的重疊. 他下達的新指令就是, IP team以後不負責hardening, 由產品部門負責, 但是IP team要確保IP是可以很容易的驗證 (verifiable), 而且介面要很乾淨. 這樣一來產品部門可以在很早期就開始驗證, 然後因為hardening統一由產品部門負責, 所以操作條件也一致, 實作起來也比較有效率. 為了完成這個任務, JK在他自己加入五個月後, 從外面挖來了有個人師徒情誼的Netspeed的CEO Sundari Mitra來負責統整所有IP方面的業務.



黃俊堯,數位轉型全攻略:虛實整合的 WHAT,WHY 與 HOW,商業周刊,2019




A Study of More Than 250 Platforms Reveals Why Most Fail

David B. Yoffie, Annabelle Gawer, and Michael A. Cusumano, A Study of More Than 250 Platforms Reveals Why Most Fail, HBR, May 29, 2019.

Platforms have become one of the most important business models of the 21st century. In our newly-published book, we divide all platforms into two types:  Innovation platforms enable third-party firms to add complementary products and services to a core product or technology. Prominent examples include Google Android and Apple iPhone operating systems as well as Amazon Web Services. The other type, transaction platforms, enable the exchange of information, goods, or services. Examples include Amazon Marketplace, Airbnb, or Uber.



未來流通研究所,年度30強,誰是台灣連鎖企業坪效王,2020 / 08 / 04





這次要介紹的是一種台灣自行開發的工程最佳化軟體,這種軟體是 CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) 軟體的一種。要設計一個工業產品,通常都要有一個模擬軟體(simulation software),也就是說,我們要測試一下所設計的產品能否使用。比方說,我們設計了一個馬達,當然要測試這個馬達能不能轉,這可以用模擬軟體來測驗。如果我們設計了一個電子電路,要知道這個電子電路是否符合要求,也可以用模擬軟體來測驗。 


Princeton Consultants Inc.

看到上一篇的新聞得知他們和 Princeton Consultants 合作。基本上該公司是使用最佳化以管理和解決企業流程的複雜問題,此方法在歐美企業有廣泛的應用,而且有很好的成效可以參考他們的顧問項目和合作的公司。 

這一家顧問公司的經營團隊經驗豐富,President and CEO Steve Sashihara 寫了一本書,也有 11 位博士,包含 Dr. Irv Lustig;代表此公司是知識密集的產業,也有能力吸引和保有一流的人才。




How Birchbox Transformed its Operations With Mathematical Optimization

July 28th - 29th, 2020
Birchbox – the trailblazing subscription box service that launched in 2010 – had created a mixed-integer programming formulation to determine the products that would be sent to its subscribers in individual boxes on a monthly basis. The goal is to produce a set of different box configurations that are then assigned to customers – so that Birchbox can meet the diverse needs of its varied customer base. 
As the business grew, the mixed-integer program was taking days to solve, and it was impossible to experiment with different business requirements to determine the best set of configurations. The RIP (Reciprocating Integer Programming) technique was created to reduce solution times to typically under 20 minutes using Gurobi, which has dramatically changed the way that Birchbox can run its subscription business.


貝佐斯寫給股東的信 (The Bezos Letters)

李芳齡貝佐斯寫給股東的信:亞馬遜14條成長法則帶你事業、人生一起飛大塊文化 2019
Steve Anderson and Karen Anderson, The Bezos Letters: 14 Principles to Grow Your Business Like Amazon, Morgan James Publishing, 2019



TechOrange,如何打造一個「頂級數據科學團隊」? Linkedin:狂用 A/B Test 就對了!,2020/07/09 (本文經合作夥伴 大數據文摘 授權轉載,並同意 TechOrange 編寫導讀與修訂標題,原文標題為 〈數據科學家”或許不再性感,但“數據團隊”的產業化才剛開始 〉。)
那麼到底如何讓數據的價值最大化呢?從團隊運作方式、商業影響力設定和社會責任等角度,許亞給出了 LinkedIn 的答案:「嵌入式工作,中心化管理」,數據科學團隊更加「專業化」、「工程化」。 
和多數網路服務公司一樣,LinkedIn 的數據科學團隊規模也在近幾年飛速增長。許亞表示,僅是近兩年來,LinkedIn 的數據團隊擴張了近一倍,從 150 人增加到目前的 300 多人。 
許亞提到的數據團隊是指 LinkedIn 中心化的數據科學部門。 如果用一句話來概括 LinkedIn 的中心數據科學團隊的運作方式,那就是「嵌入式工作,中心化管理」。 
和國內不少互聯網公司將數據分析師歸屬於業務 BU、向業務主管匯報不同,LinkedIn 的數據科學團隊成員由許亞的中心部門統籌。雖然在項目工作上,數據科學家們依然會在工位分佈和職能上與業務部門緊密聯繫,但是從職級從屬上,都直接向許亞匯報,不同領域的數據科學家在工作中會有交集,還會一起開會。...


ESG now a third of MioTech’s A.I. business

MioTech, ESG 101

digfin group, ESG now a third of MioTech’s A.I. business,  September 9, 2019.
MioTech builds A.I.-based solutions to help buy sides get insight from data analytics, and to help sell-side research departments and private banks’ relationship managers tell data-driven stories. It bases its service on building a library of cross-references (a “knowledge graph”) around a multitude of data points on Asian companies. The idea is to use big-data correlations to spot patterns....


Recyclers turn to AI robots after waste import bans

Adam Green, Recyclers turn to AI robots after waste import bans, Financial Times, 2020/7/1.
To recycle in a cost-effective, comprehensive and safe way, goods must be broken down into their constituent commodities to be sold on, in a process that has been likened to “unscrambling an egg”....
Automation often stokes anxiety about mass unemployment, but the recycling sector has been struggling to find enough workers. The US waste and recycling industry has suffered labour shortages in recent years. By limiting the influx of foreign workers to do jobs locals are not keen on, the UK’s departure from the EU is expected to hit the UK’s waste management sector hard. 
“This technology is creating a sustainable workforce for jobs that aren’t being filled,” says Mr Wirth. “These are the dull, dirty, dangerous kind of jobs which robotics and AI is perfect for.”


Nancy Duarte uncovers common structure of greatest communicators

TEDxEast - Nancy Duarte uncovers common structure of greatest communicators, 11/11/2010

 At 17:50:
You can change your life. You can change the world that you have control over, you can change your sphere. 
Nancy Duarte, Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences, Wiley, 2010.


Making Better Fulfillment Decisions on the Fly in an Online Retail Environment

Jason Acimovic and Stephen C. Graves, Making Better Fulfillment Decisions on the Fly in an Online Retail Environment, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Volume 17, Issue 1, Winter 2015. (2017 M&SOM Best Paper Award)
We develop a heuristic that makes fulfillment decisions by minimizing the immediate outbound shipping cost plus an estimate of future expected outbound shipping costs (*). These estimates are derived from the dual values of a transportation linear program (LP). In our experiments on industry data, we capture 36% of the opportunity gap assuming clairvoyance, leading to reductions in outbound shipping costs on the order of 1%. These cost savings are achieved without any deterioration in customer service levels or any increase in holding costs.


Chip Placement with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Azalia Mirhoseini, et al., Chip Placement with Deep Reinforcement Learning, arXiv:2004.10746.
In this work, we present a learning-based approach to chip placement, one of the most complex and time-consuming stages of the chip design process. Unlike prior methods, our approach has the ability to learn from past experience and improve over time. In particular, as we train over a greater number of chip blocks, our method becomes better at rapidly generating optimized placements for previously unseen chip blocks. To achieve these results, we pose placement as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem and train an agent to place the nodes of a chip netlist onto a chip canvas. To enable our RL policy to generalize to unseen blocks, we ground representation learning in the supervised task of predicting placement quality. By designing a neural architecture that can accurately predict reward across a wide variety of netlists and their placements, we are able to generate rich feature embeddings of the input netlists. We then use this architecture as the encoder of our policy and value networks to enable transfer learning. Our objective is to minimize PPA (power, performance, and area), and we show that, in under 6 hours, our method can generate placements that are superhuman or comparable on modern accelerator netlists, whereas existing baselines require human experts in the loop and take several weeks.



COS116: The Computational Universe

Sanjeev Arora, Computer Science 116 The Computational Universe, Princeton University, 2006.

幾年前,我教資管系一下的網際網路應用。心想計算機概論已經教通訊軟體的操作,所以網際網路應用改教重要的概念,取材來自幾本書,並簡化內容,例如資訊經營法則Networked LifeMining of Massive Datasets。當時有許多學生棄選,不知道是不是英文字 (部分有中譯) 太多?還是概念比較抽象?方程式太多? 

Prof. Arora 這門課的授課對象是任何學系的學生,可以視為台灣的通識教育。最近使用 Amazon Kindle (電子書閱讀器) 閱讀其講義,發現講得更生活化,例如以圖書館員取書的例子,說明計算機結構中快取 (cache) 的概念。再一次呼應了我之前的說法,世界級的研究型大學,教學也是令人驚艷。












A Human-Centered Evaluation of a Deep Learning System Deployed in Clinics for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy

Emma Beede, Elizabeth Baylor, Fred Hersch, Anna Iurchenko, Lauren Wilcox, Paisan Ruamviboonsuk, Laura M. Vardoulakis, A Human-Centered Evaluation of a Deep Learning System Deployed in Clinics for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy, CHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 2020, Pages 1–12, https://doi.org/10.1145/3313831.3376718.
Referral Determinations
All images were initially assessed by a nurse then sent to an ophthalmologist for review. The ability to assess fundus photos for DR varied from nurse to nurse. While most nurses told us they felt comfortable assessing for the presence of DR, they didn’t know how to determine the severity if present. P4 told us, “I know if it’s not normal, but I don’t know what to call it.” To make the ultimate decision of whether a patient needs to be referred to an ophthalmologist for an exam and potentially for treatment, the nurse turned to the ophthalmologist or retinal specialist, who are most often remote.


NBDT: Neural-Backed Decision Trees

Alvin Wan, Lisa Dunlap, Daniel Ho, Jihan Yin, Scott Lee, Henry Jin, Suzanne Petryk, Sarah Adel Bargal, Joseph E. Gonzalez, NBDT: Neural-Backed Decision Trees,  arXiv:2004.00221, 2020
We forgo this dilemma by creating Neural-Backed Decision Trees (NBDTs) that (1) achieve neural network accuracy and (2) require no architectural changes to a neural network. NBDTs achieve accuracy within 1% of the base neural network on CIFAR10, CIFAR100, TinyImageNet, using recently state-of-the-art WideResNet; and within 2% of EfficientNet on ImageNet. This yields state-of-the-art explainable models on ImageNet, with NBDTs improving the baseline by ~14% to 75.30% top-1 accuracy. Furthermore, we show interpretability of our model's decisions both qualitatively and quantitatively via a semi-automatic process. Code and pretrained NBDTs can be found at this https URL.


Let Taiwan into the World Health Organisation

Spare a moment and admire Taiwan. Its handling of the new coronavirus pandemic has so far saved many, many lives. The figures tell the story. A country of 24m, it has far fewer infections than its neighbours: just 235 as of March 25th, with only two deaths...


原則:生活和工作 (Principles: Life and Work)

Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work, Simon & Schuster, 2017 (excerpt)



「現在 PCB 愈做愈小,朝30微米以下發展,人工目檢漸漸不可行,」工業技術研究院產科國際所分析師黃仲宏觀察,在自動化趨勢下,AOI 早已是PCB廠的剛性需求。...