

 Nicholas Kulish, Giving Billions Fast, MacKenzie Scott Upends Philanthropy, NYT, Dec. 20, 2020.

By disbursing her money quickly and without much hoopla, Ms. Scott has pushed the focus away from the giver and onto the nonprofits she is trying to help. They are the types of organizations — historically Black colleges and universities, community colleges and groups that hand out food and pay off medical debts — that often fly beneath the radar of major foundations.

“If you look at the motivations for the way women engage in philanthropy versus the ways that men engage in philanthropy, there’s much more ego involved in the man, it’s much more transactional, it’s much more status driven,” said Debra Mesch, a professor at the Women’s Philanthropy Institute at Indiana University. “Women don’t like to splash their names on buildings, in general.”

As she did in July when she announced donations of $1.7 billion to 116 organizations, Ms. Scott unveiled her latest round of philanthropy through a post on Medium

She noted that she had made “unsolicited and unexpected gifts given with full trust and no strings attached.” Such strings are a mainstay of modern philanthropy: onerous grant proposals and nerve-racking site visits, followed by reports on the variety of performance benchmarks that charities are required to meet to keep the money flowing.

“Not only are nonprofits chronically underfunded, they are also chronically diverted from their work by fund-raising and by burdensome reporting requirements that donors often place on them,” Ms. Scott wrote.

之前和朋友聊到美國的有錢人做慈善捐款我舉例這位沒有念過 MIT 的企業家 Stephen Schwarzman (捐 3.5 億美金)有的甚至匿名捐款一億美金給 Yale 音樂系從這個網頁得知美國大學強大的原因之一 (郭董捐給台大也有名其中)


今天看到紐約時報這個例子MacKenzie Scott 的做法顛覆了傳統不僅不掛名而且連追蹤報告也免了體現對這一些團體的尊重


之前某國立大學的校友捐助成立智慧學院另外一位國立大學資工系的副主任就很羨慕他們也再一次在臉書拜託該校畢業的大老闆們捐錢讓他們可以聘請師資培育 AI 人才 

