
Wildlife Protection against Illegal Poachers (非法偷獵者)

Rong Yang, Benjamin Ford, Milind Tambe, and Andrew Lemieux, Adaptive resource allocation for wildlife protection against illegal poachers, Proceedings of the 2014 international conference on Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, 2014/5/5, Pages 453-460.
This paper introduces the Protection Assistant for Wildlife Security (PAWS) application - a joint deployment effort done with researchers at Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP) with the goal of improving wildlife ranger patrols. While previous works have deployed applications with a game-theoretic approach (specifically Stackelberg Games) for counter-terrorism, wildlife crime is an important domain that promotes a wide range of new deployments. Additionally, this domain presents new research challenges and opportunities related to learning behavioral models from collected poaching data. In addressing these challenges, our first contribution is a behavioral model extension that captures the heterogeneity of poachers’ decision making processes. Second, we provide a novel framework, PAWS-Learn, that incrementally improves the behavioral model of the poacher population with more data. Third, we develop a new algorithm, PAWS-Adapt, that adaptively improves the resource allocation strategy against the learned model of poachers. Fourth, we demonstrate PAWS’s potential effectiveness when applied to patrols in QENP, where PAWS will be deployed.

燁鋒輕合金的 F-35 戰機零件

鄧凱元,世界最強戰機零件 來自桃園150人小廠,天下雜誌,628 期,2017-07-26

Epistemology of Deep Learning (深度學習的知識論) by Yann LeCun

Yann LeCun, seminar talk at the Institute for Advanced Study, 2019/2/22
Clearly, Deep Learning research would greatly benefit from better theoretical understanding. DL is partly engineering science in which we create new artifacts through theoretical insight, intuition, biological inspiration, and empirical exploration. But understanding DL is a kind of "physical science" in which the general properties of this artifact is to be understood. The history of science and technology is replete with examples where the technological artifact preceded (not followed) the theoretical understanding: the theory of optics followed the invention of the lens, thermodynamics followed the steam engine, aerodynamics largely followed the airplane, information theory followed radio communication, and computer science followed the programmable calculator. My two main points are that (1) empiricism is a perfectly legitimate method of investigation, albeit an inefficient one, and (2) our challenge is to develop the equivalent of thermodynamics for learning and intelligence. While a theoretical underpinning, even if only conceptual, would greatly accelerate progress, one must be conscious of the limited practical implications of general theories.



根據台北市政府統計資料庫的資料顯示, 2014年(也就是政策還未更動時) 重陽敬老金的領取總人數有將近39萬人,柯文哲在2015年上任後旋即改變敬老金請領標準,導致從2015年開始,領取禮金人數僅剩下1萬多人。一來一往受影響的高齡選民有近38萬人,遠大於柯文哲這次選舉流失的27萬選票。一個有趣的問題是,重陽敬老金的政策變動是否有影響到柯文哲的選情? 從報章媒體的報導看來, 雖然這項政策的爭議大,但實際上是否導致選票流失仍舊是個大問號。 
政治學有一些相關議題的研究,回答像這樣的發錢政策是否能轉換成政治支持?1 大部分的研究成果是用拉丁美洲國家為例子,總的來說,實證研究的結果顯示,發錢政策是有助於提升選民的投票率、以及對於執政黨的支持度。所以有趣的是,如果發錢有助於增加投票率與選民支持度,那像取消重陽敬老金這類發錢的政策會不會造成反效果? 換句話說,65歲以上的選民會因為柯文哲取消重陽敬老金政策,憤而在2018年轉投其他候選人或者因此不出來投票嗎? 
實證資料: 沒影響




奧丁丁 (OwlTing) 的區塊鏈多元運用

呂晏慈區塊鏈賣米 解決混米痛點賣進杜拜商業周刊第 1628 期 2019-01-24

How to Choose Your First AI Project (如何選擇您的第一個 AI 計畫)

Andrew Ng, How to Choose Your First AI Project,  Harvard Business Review, FEBRUARY 06, 2019
My advice for executives, in any industry, is to start small. The first step to building an AI strategy, drawn from the AI Transformation Playbook, is to choose one to two company-level pilot AI projects. These projects will help your company gain momentum and gain firsthand knowledge of what it takes to build an AI product....


HTC 與彰基推出全台首個 AI 區塊鏈 Chatbot「蘭醫師」



Tech Is Splitting the U.S. Work Force ( 科技分裂美國勞動力) in Two

Eduardo Porter, Tech Is Splitting the U.S. Work Force in Two, New York Times, Feb. 4, 2019.
Automation is splitting the American labor force into two worlds. There is a small island of highly educated professionals making good wages at corporations like Intel or Boeing, which reap hundreds of thousands of dollars in profit per employee. That island sits in the middle of a sea of less educated workers who are stuck at businesses like hotels, restaurants and nursing homes that generate much smaller profits per employee and stay viable primarily by keeping wages low.... 
Semiconductor companies like Intel or NXP are among the most successful in the Phoenix area. From 2010 to 2017, the productivity of workers in such firms — a measure of the dollar value of their production — grew by about 2.1 percent per year, according to an analysis by Mark Muro and Jacob Whiton of the Brookings Institution. Pay is great: $2,790 a week, on average, according to government statistics. 
But the industry doesn’t generate that many jobs. In 2017, the semiconductor and related devices industry employed 16,600 people in the Phoenix area, about 10,000 fewer than three decades ago. 
“We automate the pieces that can be automated,” said Paul Hart, a senior vice president running the radio-frequency power business at NXP’s plant in Chandler. “The work force grows but we need A.I. and automation to increase the throughput.”


2018 年最具影響力的 20 篇資料科學研究論文

作為一名前半生奉獻給學術,現在投身業界的研究者,Daniel Gutierrez 習慣在數據科學業內工作的同時,跟進學術界的最新動態。
最近,通過一場網絡研討會,他發現人工智能大神吳恩達(Andrew Ng)也有一樣的習慣。吳恩達提到,他經常隨身攜帶一個裝滿研究論文的文件夾,利用搭車的空閒時間研究論文。 
Daniel Gutierrez因此建議,不管是數據科學從業者還是研究者,都可以準備一個論文文件夾來裝一些論文,就像吳恩達建議的:如果你每週閱讀幾篇論文(部分論文可以泛讀),一年後你就閱讀了100多篇論文,足夠比較深入地了解一個新領域。 
在這篇文章中,Daniel Gutierrez列出了2018年最具影響力的20篇數據科學研究論文清單,所有數據科學家都應該認真回顧。我還收錄了一些綜述性文章,它們可以幫助你看到當前技術領域的發展情況,同時還有完整的參考文獻列表,其中不乏很多具有開創性的論文。
只讀過 Deep Learning: A Critical Appraisal. :)