
一些常聽的 Podcast 節目和培養英文聽力的方法

一些常聽的 Podcast 節目 (*),適合坐車、(讓眼睛) 休息、睡前或運動時聽
  • AI with AI 
  • American Public Media: Marketplace
  • BBC World Service: BBC News, The Climate Question
  • Causal Bandits Podcast by Alex Molak (new)
  • Conversations with Tyler
  • Financial Times: Behind the Money, News Briefing
  • Freakonomics Radio


Some books and information on machine learning and AI

General introduction (without math)


Future of Decentralization, AI, and Computing Summit

The Future of Decentralization, AI, and Computing Summit, hosted by Berkeley RDI, aims to bring together researchers, innovators, thought leaders, and builders to showcase and discuss the future of decentralization, AI, and computing.

In particular, the event will include topics on how AI/ML and decentralization technology can help each other, and how to build a full decentralized, open source stack for AI/ML, including 1) decentralized ML infra such as decentralized training, inference, provenance, integrity guarantees, 2) open source data, model, and tooling, 3) personalized AI with privacy and trustworthiness; 4) democratic and decentralized process for AI governance and alignment. We hope this summit will provide an opportunity for researchers from diverse backgrounds including AI/ML, Security & Privacy, game theory, economics, decentralization technology, to get together and cross pollinate to help seed the initial discussions in this important space and make advancement in responsible AI with decentralization.


1 兆電晶體 GPU 的到來

鉅亨網新聞中心,台積電董事長劉德音撰文 談1兆電晶體GPU的到來,2024-03-29

文中指出,從 1997 年擊敗西洋棋人類冠軍的「深藍」,到 2023 年爆火的 ChatGPT,再過 15 年,人工智慧已經發展到可以「合成知識」(synthesize knowledge) 的地步,可以創作詩歌、創作藝術品、診斷疾病、編寫總結報告和電腦程式碼,甚至可以設計與人類製造的積體電路相媲美的積體電路。