
Netflix 調漲服務價格

2011 年 Netflix 調漲服務價格曾引發一場大災難,但去(2017)年 10 月的無預警漲價卻似乎看不到任何負面影響,甚至在該季度還寫下淨增 836 萬戶的歷史新高,就連用戶基期已經相當高的美國市場,Netflix 也交出單季淨增 200 萬用戶的成績單。為什麼同樣是漲價,兩次的結果卻大不相同?... 
但要說 Netflix 去年第四季為什麼能在服務價格調漲約一成的情況下,不但沒有受到負面衝擊,反而還加速用戶數成長,海斯汀認為真正關鍵的原因是:「讓大製作更強大。」以《光靈》和《怪奇物語》這兩個熱門的 Netflix 原創大作來看,他們發現當愈來愈多用戶談論這兩個作品,隨著身邊朋友討論的聲量愈大,就更能拉動其中還不是 Netflix 用戶的人去訂閱 Netflix。在他看來,這才是推動用戶數持續增長最關鍵的加速器。 
海斯汀認為,去年第四季的結果證明Netflix的內容已經成功讓用戶將 Netflix 視為首要娛樂,同時這個現象也代表消費者對價格的容忍度會隨著內容的品質而提高。Netflix 內容長泰德.薩蘭多斯 (Ted Sarandos) 認為,使用者在評估 Netflix 的服務價值時,衡量標準其實是他們花了多少時間觀看 Netflix,以及他們有多愛這段時間。

China wants to make the chips that will add AI to any gadget

Yiting Sun,  China wants to make the chips that will add AI to any gadget, MIT Technology Review, January 24, 2018.
In an office at Tsinghua University in Beijing, a computer chip is crunching data from a nearby camera, looking for faces stored in a database. Seconds later, the same chip, called Thinker, is handling voice commands in Chinese. Thinker is designed to support neural networks. But what’s special is how little energy it uses—just eight AA batteries are enough to power it for a year. 
Thinker can dynamically tailor its computing and memory requirements to meet the needs of the software being run. This is important since many real-world AI applications—recognizing objects in images or understanding human speech—require a combination of different kinds of neural networks with different numbers of layers. 
In December 2017, a paper describing Thinker’s design was published in the IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, a top journal in computer hardware design. For the Chinese research community, it was a crowning achievement. 
The chip is just one example of an important trend sweeping China’s tech sector. The country’s semiconductor industry sees a unique opportunity to establish itself amid the current wave of enthusiasm for hardware optimized for AI. Computer chips are key to the success of AI, so China needs to develop its own hardware industry to become a real force in the technology (see “China’s AI Awakening”). 
“Compared to how China responded to previous revolutions in information technology, the speed at which China is following the current [AI] trend is the fastest,” says Shouyi Yin, vice director of Tsinghua University’s Institute of Microelectronics and the lead author of the Thinker paper, referring to the effort to design neural-network processors in China.... 
For now, Chinese chip researchers have many problems to solve: how to commercialize their chip designs, how to scale up, and how to navigate a world of computing being transformed by AI. What’s not lacking, though, is ambition. “As chip researchers, we all have dreams,” says Yinhe Han of ICT. “We’ll see how far we can leap.”

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所以,所有和客戶出貨有關的大小事,台積電全都會攬下來管理,包括封測、矽智財 (IP) 等供應商的管理。事實上,這些供應商的主要客戶並非台積電,而是台積電的客戶,如蘋果、高通、聯發科等。...


Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents

David L. Poole and Alan K. Mackworth, Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents, Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 2017.

免費的 AI 好書和 python code

阿里巴巴和微軟的 AI 軟體超越人類閱讀能力

由史丹佛大學研究人員所開發的史丹佛大學閱讀理解測試 (Stanford Question Answering Dataset簡稱 SQuAD)被業界認為是最具權威與公信力的機器閱讀理解測驗包括GoogleIBMFacebook卡內基美隆大學等企業機構都曾參與。...


大數據的傲慢與偏見 (Weapons of Math Destruction)

Daniel Kahneman on AI

James Pethokoukis, Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman on AI: ‘It’s very difficult to imagine that with sufficient data there will remain things that only humans can do’, January 11, 2018, AEIdeas.
You should replace humans by algorithms whenever possible, and this is really happening. Even when the algorithms don’t do very well, humans do so poorly and are so noisy that just by removing the noise you can do better than people. And the other is that when you can’t do it you try to have humans simulate the algorithm. And that idea, by enforcing regularity and processes and discipline on judgment and on choice, you improve and you reduce the noise and you improve performance because noise is so poisonous.



邱莉玲,棄醫從影 廖偉銘的坐椅經濟學,工商時報,2015年03月09日
首推廖偉銘自創的「坐椅經濟學」。他算過,前三排座椅一年52周頂多2、3周才會坐滿,且不利觀賞,所以他乾脆把前三排座位撤掉,犧牲 1% 的營收,卻可讓客人坐得更舒服,他甚至自己畫圖開發座椅,找廠商訂做、180公分以上球友試坐,測試一個多月自行開發黃金比例的坐椅。 


Having A Heart Attack? This AI Helps Emergency Dispatchers Find Out


呂晏慈,一家賣泡芙的店 創新力竟跟 Line 齊名,商業周刊第 1573 期,2018-01-04
他們用科技 AB 測試法決定 
投報率低於 20% 就轉換



管理數學包含線性代數 (矩陣運算)、作業研究、(必修) 機率和統計。所以這學期的管數,前半教線性代數 (所有的影片),後半教最佳化 (optimization)。