

訓練設計上,分兩階段來完成,第一階段,先以其他資料集抽取人臉特徵,先訓練出一個深度卷積神經網路(DCNN)的模型,可以用來辨識人臉;接下來,再以大會提供的偽裝人臉資料,額外建立一個神經網路區塊,專門用於學習偽裝人臉的辨識。徐宏民進一步補充,設計網路時,不只使用深度學習技術,在進行特徵擷取時,也結合了早期的機器學習的 PCA(主成分分析)技術,將這些人臉資料先經轉換投射到一個新的特徵空間,來學習這些偽臉的主要特徵,再用學到的這些人臉結構、特徵去比對,找出眼前這個人是本人偽裝,還是別人假扮。經過他們訓練過的偽臉演算模型,連化濃妝後的 Lady Gaga 都能認。 

AI 決勝關鍵在於晶片

工業技術與資訊月刊,AI 決勝關鍵在於晶片,2019-05-20  

Solving the Rubik's Cube with Approximate Policy Iteration

Stephen McAleer, Forest Agostinelli, Alexander Shmakov, Pierre Baldi, Solving the Rubik's Cube with Approximate Policy Iteration, ICLR, 2019.
Recently, Approximate Policy Iteration (API) algorithms have achieved superhuman proficiency in two-player zero-sum games such as Go, Chess, and Shogi without human data. These API algorithms iterate between two policies: a slow policy (tree search), and a fast policy (a neural network). In these two-player games, a reward is always received at the end of the game. However, the Rubik’s Cube has only a single solved state, and episodes are not guaranteed to terminate. This poses a major problem for these API algorithms since they rely on the reward received at the end of the game. We introduce Autodidactic Iteration: an API algorithm that overcomes the problem of sparse rewards by training on a distribution of states that allows the reward to propagate from the goal state to states farther away. Autodidactic Iteration is able to learn how to solve the Rubik’s Cube without relying on human data. Our algorithm is able to solve 100% of randomly scrambled cubes while achieving a median solve length of 30 moves — less than or equal to solvers that employ human domain knowledge.
Forest Agostinelli, Stephen McAleer, Alexander Shmakov, Pierre Baldi. Solving the Rubik’s cube with deep reinforcement learning and search. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2019; DOI: 10.1038/s42256-019-0070-z (Data availability)

Airlines are finally fixing the middle seat

Mark Wilson, Airlines are finally fixing the middle seat, Fast Company, 07.18.19


音樂推薦在Spotify中並不是一個具象的功能,它被融入到了很多更細微的模組中。首先我們可以從時間緯度出發。Made For You是Spotify推薦歌單的一個集合,每個人的都不一樣,它會以每日、每週甚至是每年的頻率為你推薦音樂
Cold start
最後,如果你剛剛接觸Spotify,歌單/音樂庫應該還不夠豐富,這裡分享一個快速填充的方法:首先找到一首你最喜歡的音樂,右鍵選擇進入Song Radio,Spotify會基於這首歌推薦一個包含50首音樂的歌單,你可以選擇將這份歌單保存到自己的音樂庫中;對這份歌單進行篩選,將喜歡的音樂保存到音樂庫(紅心),同時繼續右鍵進入Song Radio,重複多次你的歌單/音樂庫就會豐富很多,Spotify也會更加瞭解你的音樂口味。

Mapping roads through deep learning and weakly supervised training

Saikat Basu, Derrick Bonafilia, James Gill, Danil Kirsanov, and David Yang, Mapping roads through deep learning and weakly supervised training, Facebook, July 23, 2019.
We collected our training data as a set of 2,048-by-2,048-pixel tiles, with a resolution of approximately 24 inches per pixel. We discarded tiles where fewer than 25 roads had been mapped, because we found that they often included only major roads (with no examples of smaller roads that would be more challenging to label correctly). For each remaining tile, we rasterized the road vectors and used the resulting mask as our training label. To work at the same resolution as the DeepGlobe data set, we randomly cropped each image to 1,024 by 1,024 pixels, thereby producing roughly 1.8 million tiles covering more than 700,000 square miles of terrain. The result was 1,000x more than the roughly 630 square miles that the DeepGlobe data set covered. To create segmentation masks from these road vectors, we simply rasterized each road vector to five pixels. Semantic segmentation labels tend to be pixel-perfect, but the labels we create with this heuristic are not. Roads vary in width and contour in ways that these rasterized vectors could not capture perfectly. Furthermore, roads in different regions around the globe are mapped from different satellite imagery sources and thus do not always align completely with the imagery we use for our training data. 



聊天得知同學畢業後想開餐飲店,問他會不算 (剛修過 的) 生管的損益平衡點 ,引發我出了一題作業。有次和在外工作多年的朋友聊天,他想開咖啡店,我用此方法算出的損益平衡點和朋友相近。

果漾水豬,分享一下開了兩年咖啡店的心得 有心想開咖啡店的進來



日本政府在出口到韓國的半導體相關先進材料將進行管制,自 7 月 4 日起將取消韓國的最惠國待遇,在氟化聚醯亞胺、光阻劑、高純度氟化氫,這三種 OLED 面板及半導體生產上不可或缺的原料出口,將從原先的免申請出口許可,改為逐案審核。而在相關的審查作業上,最長將花費 90 個工作天。 
此消息一出,引起韓國一片嘩然。根據韓國媒體報導,該國半導體產業對日本的依存度極高,在製造機台方面,韓國國產品比例只有 2 成不到。在剩餘的 8 成左右,則都仰賴自日本、美國,以及荷蘭等國進口。 
韓國是全球最大的半導體生產國,然而生產原料及設備都極度依賴進口。韓國的半導體生產設備自製率只有 18.2%,而在原料方面則達到 50.3%(2017 年時)。而在半導體的相關原料上,有近 50% 依賴自日本進口。


LIS 線上教學平台

LIS聲音的傳遞-波以耳2018年8月28日 (more)


林秀姿戶頭剩1千元 他堅持理念要做一輩子的教育,聯合報2018/12/18
嚴天浩大學考進成大化學系 ... 
科學教材集資計畫 請大家幫忙


AIQ 的時代

Nick Polson and James Scott, AIQ: How People and Machines Are Smarter Together, St. Martin's Press, 2018.
1. AI關鍵發展史上,7個人類智慧影響人工智慧的故事
2. 解讀促進AI發展的4大元素
3. 機器智慧(machine intelligence)新解!借助人工智慧之力「放大」人類智慧