






Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning

Gilbert Strang. 18.065 Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning. Spring 2018. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare, https://ocw.mit.edu. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA. (book)

Strang 教授教這門課的時候 83 歲,真的是終身學習的好典範。在美國,這種對專業的執著 (Tapley 教授) 令人欽佩。另外一個例子是 Breiman 教授,71 歲投稿隨機森林 (Random forests),成為經典論文;其他幾篇重要論文,大都在 65 歲以後以單一作者發表! 


Programming for the Puzzled

Srini Devadas, Programming for the Puzzled: Learn to Program While Solving Puzzles, The MIT Press, 2017.  

Learning programming with one of “the coolest applications around”: algorithmic puzzles ranging from scheduling selfie time to verifying the six degrees of separation hypothesis.


Rob Smedley From Formula 1 Talks About Using AWS to Improve the Fan Experience

AWS re:Invent 2019 – Rob Smedley From Formula 1 Talks About Using AWS to Improve the Fan Experience, 2019/12/4

Formula 1 has been using Amazon EC2 for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to simulate race car aerodynamics, achieving the performance of a super computer at a much lower cost and reducing simulation time by an average of 70% — from 60 hours down to 18 hours. With the CFD project, Formula 1 used over 500 million data points to study downforce loss when two vehicles race in close proximity. (A car’s downforce increases its tire grip and cornering speed and reduces lap time.) Based on its CFD simulations, Formula 1 has designed a car for the 2021 racing season that reduces downforce loss in wheel-to-wheel racing from 50% to 15% — and offers a more exciting experience for fans.

More information.



Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Data Analytics

 Jules S. Damji, Brooke Wenig, Tathagata Das, and Denny Lee, Learning Spark: Lightning-Fast Data Analytics, 2nd edition, 2020, O’Reilly Media. (code)

We welcome you to the second edition of Learning Spark. It’s been five years since the first edition was published in 2015, originally authored by Holden Karau, Andy Konwinski, Patrick Wendell, and Matei Zaharia. This new edition has been updated to reflect Apache Spark’s evolution through Spark 2.x and Spark 3.0, including its expanded ecosystem of built-in and external data sources, machine learning, and streaming technologies with which Spark is tightly integrated.

Over the years since its first 1.x release, Spark has become the de facto big data unified processing engine. Along the way, it has extended its scope to include support for various analytic workloads. Our intent is to capture and curate this evolution for readers, showing not only how you can use Spark but how it fits into the new era of big data and machine learning. Hence, we have designed each chapter to build progressively on the foundations laid by the previous chapters, ensuring that the content is suited for our intended audience....

Most of the examples in the chapters are written in Scala, Python, and SQL. Where necessary, we have infused a bit of Java. 
 The ebook is available for download once you fill in your information at Databrick


Jim Keller 為英特爾開出的藥方

工程師在波特蘭,Jim Keller來了,2020 年 08 月 12 日

JK的第一個改革非常符合邏輯, 簡單來說就是兩個重點: IP re-use (重複使用), 還有在IP部門的開發時程和產品部門的整合時程上盡可能的重疊. 他下達的新指令就是, IP team以後不負責hardening, 由產品部門負責, 但是IP team要確保IP是可以很容易的驗證 (verifiable), 而且介面要很乾淨. 這樣一來產品部門可以在很早期就開始驗證, 然後因為hardening統一由產品部門負責, 所以操作條件也一致, 實作起來也比較有效率. 為了完成這個任務, JK在他自己加入五個月後, 從外面挖來了有個人師徒情誼的Netspeed的CEO Sundari Mitra來負責統整所有IP方面的業務.



黃俊堯,數位轉型全攻略:虛實整合的 WHAT,WHY 與 HOW,商業周刊,2019




A Study of More Than 250 Platforms Reveals Why Most Fail

David B. Yoffie, Annabelle Gawer, and Michael A. Cusumano, A Study of More Than 250 Platforms Reveals Why Most Fail, HBR, May 29, 2019.

Platforms have become one of the most important business models of the 21st century. In our newly-published book, we divide all platforms into two types:  Innovation platforms enable third-party firms to add complementary products and services to a core product or technology. Prominent examples include Google Android and Apple iPhone operating systems as well as Amazon Web Services. The other type, transaction platforms, enable the exchange of information, goods, or services. Examples include Amazon Marketplace, Airbnb, or Uber.



未來流通研究所,年度30強,誰是台灣連鎖企業坪效王,2020 / 08 / 04





這次要介紹的是一種台灣自行開發的工程最佳化軟體,這種軟體是 CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) 軟體的一種。要設計一個工業產品,通常都要有一個模擬軟體(simulation software),也就是說,我們要測試一下所設計的產品能否使用。比方說,我們設計了一個馬達,當然要測試這個馬達能不能轉,這可以用模擬軟體來測驗。如果我們設計了一個電子電路,要知道這個電子電路是否符合要求,也可以用模擬軟體來測驗。