
Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence

Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb, Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence, Harvard Business Review Press, 2018.
Artificial intelligence does the seemingly impossible, magically bringing machines to life--driving cars, trading stocks, and teaching children. But facing the sea change that AI will bring can be paralyzing. How should companies set strategies, governments design policies, and people plan their lives for a world so different from what we know? In the face of such uncertainty, many analysts either cower in fear or predict an impossibly sunny future. 



Re-lab團隊 ,臺灣數據百閱:100個重要議題,從圖表開啟對話、培養公民思辨力,時報,2019
於是 Re-lab X 資訊改造實驗室,10個人,用自己的業外時間,主動爬梳各種公部門資料,發揮設計的專長進行簡化和視覺化。為了避免立場偏頗,更找來多位專家一同審定,在有限的篇幅內,撰寫精闢的導讀,完成了一本以台灣數據為主題的書。



單單從專業與敬業的角度來看,就值得去 (美國排名前面的學校) 留學。也可以瞭解這個國家能夠持續地強盛的一些原因。 

博班的第一學期,上 Prof. Tapley 的課程 (Kalman filtering) 之前,學長就已經告訴我們,他是美國工程學院 (National Academy of Engineering) 院士 (類似臺灣的中研院院士),主持的 Center for Space Research 管理好 (十?) 幾顆人造衛星,很期待他會說一些有的沒有的;結果,上了一學期的課,講的就是上課的內容,一句題外話也沒有!有一回,一位應徵控制組教職的博士來演講,系上的教授幾乎都出席了,包括幾位美國工程學院院士;還有我們這些控制組的博士班學生。Prof. Tapley 坐在我的後面,他屬於軌道力學組 (Orbital Mechanics),演講途中,舉手問了二三個問題。因為屬於不同組別的關係,有些問題對於控制組博班的學生很顯而易見;但是,當時已經六十多歲的 Prof. Tapley 還是一直問,這種求知精神至今令人難忘。



Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future (改變世界的九大演算法)

本書所介紹的九大演算法是:搜尋引擎的索引(search engine indexing)、網頁排序(page rank)、公鑰加密(public-key cryptography)、錯誤更正碼(error-correcting codes)、模式辨識(pattern recognition,如手寫辨識、聲音辨識、人臉辨識等等)、資料壓縮(data compression)、資料庫(databases)、數位簽章(digital signature),以及一種如果存在的話將會很了不起的偉大演算法,並探討電腦能力的極限。 
作者將我們日常生活會用到的電腦功能 背後的道理,以淺顯易懂的方式介紹,不具備資訊科學的背景也可以了解。而且令人驚喜的是,每一種演算法,都是一個解決問題的創意與線索,也讓我們得以一窺 近代數學家、資訊科學家的努力探索成果。面對越來越科技化的現代生活與職場挑戰,這些基本原理和概念值得我們去了解、吸收,為未來世界做好準備。

中鋼用 VR 傳授老師傅經驗和成本撙節



盲人律師 (Invisible Justice)

“ 一位沒有訴訟經驗的盲人律師李政鴻,要幫職災勞工打跨國求償官司。 ” 
李政鴻(張哲豪 飾)不甘眼盲而只能在法律事務所內被指派做文書處理的工作,他極力爭取參與訴訟,卻總是碰壁。 
某日,他終於接到一件民事求償訴訟,但沒想到這案子的辯護律師,竟是他法律事務所的老闆趙定邦(班鐵翔 飾)。他若幫了原告,那又該如何面對他的老闆? 


10 Applications of Machine Learning in Finance

K.C. Cheung, 10 Applications of Machine Learning in Finance, October 30, 2019
Portfolio Management – Robo-Advisors
Algorithmic Trading
High-Frequency Trading (HFT)
Fraud Detection
Loan/ Insurance Underwriting
Risk Management
Document Analysis
Trade Settlements
Money-Laundering Prevention
Future Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Finance
Nice overview of the problems, present technologies and trends, and some companies. 









為了說明電腦的計算速度,特別設計了一個內積的問題,不到一秒可以計算一千萬組數字內積。推薦系統有多種方法,方法之一使用內積 (inner product);另外,現代電腦可以快速地計算線性代數的問題,無形中培養計算思維 (Computational thinking),也可以廣泛地應用在國高中的教學。

import time
import numpy as np
t = time.time() # 現在系統時間
a = np.random.rand(10**7) # 產生 10**7 亂數
b = np.random.rand(10**7)
np.dot(a,b) # 內積
print("Jobs done in:", time.time()-t, " seconds") # 現在系統時間 減去 初始系統時間

配合 Google Colab,解決軟硬體不足的問題。


Network science reveals the secrets of the world’s best soccer team

Emerging Technology from the arXiv, Network science reveals the secrets of the world’s best soccer team, Oct 4, 2019.
One of the best soccer teams in history is widely acknowledged to be the Barcelona side that played during the 2009-10 season. Under the inspirational leadership of manager Pep Guardiola, this team won six major competitions including the Spanish football league, known as La Liga, and the UEFA Champions League, the most prestigious competition in world football. No other team has accumulated so many trophies in such a short period.... 



Gerard Cornuejols, Javier Peña, and Reha Tutuncu, Optimization Methods in Finance, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Edition, 2018.

使用的方法有 Linear programming、Nonlinear programming、Quadratic programming、Conic optimization、Integer programming、Dynamic programming、Stochastic programming、和 Robust optimization。



麥肯錫公司(英語:McKinsey & Company,簡稱麥肯錫)為一所由芝加哥大學會計系教授詹姆斯·麥肯錫創立於芝加哥的管理諮詢公司,營運重點是為企業或政府的高層幹部獻策、針對龐雜的經營問題給予適當的解決方案,有「顧問界的高盛」之稱。


張忠謀 「總經理的學習」演講

一開場張忠謀就點出台灣目前在理工方面的技術與 MBA 能力與國際間的關係。他認為台灣在理工技術上的實力與國際間的名校如 MIT、哈佛等相差無幾,但是MBA(工商管理碩士)的素質卻是差距頗大,除了我國沒有世界級企業的進駐,少了可讓校園人才有學習跟銜接的機會外,他走遍史丹佛、哈佛甚至是台大、政大的 MBA 演講並開放提問,台灣在提問深度也是他覺得與國際一流學校人才差一截的主因。...


Soft skills: the software developer's life manual

John Sonmez, Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual, Manning Publications, 2014.
For most software developers, coding is the fun part. The hard bits are dealing with clients, peers, and managers, staying productive, achieving financial security, keeping yourself in shape, and finding true love. This book is here to help. 
Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual is a guide to a well-rounded, satisfying life as a technology professional. In it, developer and life coach John Sonmez offers advice to developers on important "soft" subjects like career and productivity, personal finance and investing, and even fitness and relationships. Arranged as a collection of 71 short chapters, this fun-to-read book invites you to dip in wherever you like. A Taking Action section at the end of each chapter shows you how to get quick results. Soft Skills will help make you a better programmer, a more valuable employee, and a happier, healthier person.

為什麼瞭解 AI 機器人必須從倉庫自動化開始

Bastiane Huang為什麼瞭解AI機器人必須從倉庫自動化開始?吐納商業評論10/01/2019
然而這個以往看來不可能的任務,現在卻因為深度強化學習(Deep Reinforcement Learning,DRL)的出現而出現契機;因為DRL可以協助機器識別、應對周圍環境,並自主學習處理多樣的產品及工作內容。 
有了足夠的資料與練習,DRL機器人就能自學新能力、逐漸進步;就像我們的學習方式一樣,經過嘗試、或是他人示範,機器也可以學著識別影像、打贏電玩遊戲,或是像Deep Mind研發的Alpha Go Zero一樣,利用DRL自我學習,最終戰勝世界棋王。


Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom

Louis Deslauriers, Logan S. McCarty, Kelly Miller, Kristina Callaghan, and Greg Kestin, Measuring actual learning versus feeling of learning in response to being actively engaged in the classroom, PNAS September 24, 2019 116 (39) 19251-19257; first published September 4, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1821936116.
Despite active learning being recognized as a superior method of instruction in the classroom, a major recent survey found that most college STEM instructors still choose traditional teaching methods. This article addresses the long-standing question of why students and faculty remain resistant to active learning. Comparing passive lectures with active learning using a randomized experimental approach and identical course materials, we find that students in the active classroom learn more, but they feel like they learn less. We show that this negative correlation is caused in part by the increased cognitive effort required during active learning. Faculty who adopt active learning are encouraged to intervene and address this misperception, and we describe a successful example of such an intervention.




Robust Classification by Bertsimas, et al.

Dimitris Bertsimas, Jack Dunn, Colin Pawlowski, and Ying Daisy Zhuo, Robust ClassificationINFORMS Journal on Optimization, Vol. 1, No. 1, Winter 2019, pp. 2–34.
Motivated by the fact that there may be inaccuracies in features and labels of training data, we apply robust optimization techniques to study in a principled way the uncertainty in data features and labels in classification problems and obtain robust formulations for the three most widely used classification methods: support vector machines, logistic regression, and decision trees. We show that adding robustness does not materially change the complexity of the problem and that all robust counterparts can be solved in practical computational times. We demonstrate the advantage of these robust formulations over regularized and nominal methods in synthetic data experiments, and we show that our robust classification methods offer improved out-of-sample accuracy. Furthermore, we run large-scale computational experiments across a sample of 75 data sets from the University of California Irvine Machine Learning Repository and show that adding robustness to any of the three nonregularized classification methods improves the accuracy in the majority of the data sets. We observe the most significant gains for robust classification methods on high-dimensional and difficult classification problems, with an average improvement in out-of-sample accuracy of robust versus nominal problems of 5.3% for support vector machines, 4.0% for logistic regression, and 1.3% for decision trees.
Complement to the previous paper Optimal classification trees: Table 10. Solver Time for Selected University of California Irvine Data Sets in Seconds


Optimal classification trees (最佳分類樹)

D. Bertsimas and J. Dunn, Optimal classification trees, Machine Learning, July 2017, Volume 106, Issue 7, pp 1039–1082.
State-of-the-art decision tree methods apply heuristics recursively to create each split in isolation, which may not capture well the underlying characteristics of the dataset. The optimal decision tree problem attempts to resolve this by creating the entire decision tree at once to achieve global optimality. In the last 25 years, algorithmic advances in integer optimization coupled with hardware improvements have resulted in an astonishing 800 billion factor speedup in mixed-integer optimization (MIO). Motivated by this speedup, we present optimal classification trees (1), a novel formulation of the decision tree problem using modern MIO techniques that yields the optimal decision tree for axes-aligned splits. We also show the richness of this MIO formulation by adapting it to give optimal classification trees with hyperplanes (2) that generates optimal decision trees with multivariate splits. Synthetic tests demonstrate that these methods recover the true decision tree more closely than heuristics, refuting the notion that optimal methods overfit the training data. We comprehensively benchmark these methods on a sample of 53 datasets from the UCI machine learning repository. We establish that these MIO methods are practically solvable on real-world datasets with sizes in the 1000s, and give average absolute improvements in out-of-sample accuracy over CART of 1–2 and 3–5% for the univariate and multivariate cases, respectively. Furthermore, we identify that optimal classification trees are likely to outperform CART by 1.2–1.3% in situations where the CART accuracy is high and we have sufficient training data, while the multivariate version outperforms CART by 4–7% when the CART accuracy or dimension of the dataset is low.


The ML Test Score by Google

Eric Breck, Shanqing Cai, Eric Nielsen, Michael Salib, and D. Sculley, The ML Test Score: A Rubric for ML Production Readiness and Technical Debt Reduction, Proceedings of IEEE Big Data, 2017.
Creating reliable, production-level machine learning systems brings on a host of concerns not found in small toy examples or even large offline research experiments. Testing and monitoring are key considerations for ensuring the production-readiness of an ML system, and for reducing technical debt of ML systems. But it can be difficult to formulate specific tests, given that the actual prediction behavior of any given model is difficult to specify a priori. In this paper, we present 28 specific tests and monitoring needs, drawn from experience with a wide range of production ML systems to help quantify these issues and present an easy to follow road-map to improve production readiness and pay down ML technical debt.
Hidden Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems 的延續。分為  feature tests、model testsML infrastructure tests、和 production monitoring,並訪問了 36 個 Google 團隊,瞭解四個面向的執行程度


AI transforming the enterprise by KPMG

Steve Hill, AI transforming the enterprise, KPMG, 2019. (四大pdf file)
We conducted the KPMG 2019 Enterprise AI Adoption Study to gain insight into the state of AI and automation deployment efforts at select large cap companies. This involved in-depth interviews with senior leaders at 30 of the world’s largest companies, as well as secondary research on job postings and media coverage. These 30 highly influential, Global 500 companies represent significant global economic value – collectively, they employ approximately 6.2 million people, with aggregate revenues of $3 trillion. Together, they also represent a significant component of the AI market.
The trends

  1. Rapid shift from experimental to applied technology
  2. Automation, AI, analytics and low-code platforms are converging
  3. Enterprise demand is growing
  4. New organizational capabilities are critical
  5. Internal governance emerging as key area
  6. The need to manage AI
  7. Rise of AI-as-a-service
  8. AI could shift the competitive landscape


Python 初學者的好用工具 Google Colab

少數派,推薦Python初學者的好用工具:Google Colab,2019.03.20

上課使用的檔案 lec08 MNIST-GPU.ipynb,執行環境 GPU: NVIDIA GTX 1070, RAM 24450 MB, Win10 64 bits,我將之上傳到 Google drive

因為沒有上傳相關的圖檔,所以無法執行Image(filename='data/05-Chollet-MNIST-sample.jpg') 和 Image(filename='data/05-MNIST.png');設定的方法請參考新檔執行環境可以選 TPU,初始化需要點時間;可以比較本機執行和 Google cloud TPU 的運算時間 



包淳亮注定一戰?中美能否避免修昔底德陷阱八旗文化 2018
Allison Graham, Destined for War: Can America and China Escape Thucydides’s Trap?, Mariner Books, 2018


Globalization in transition: The future of trade and value chains

Susan Lund, James Manyika, Jonathan Woetzel, Jacques Bughin, Mekala Krishnan, Jeongmin Seong, and Mac Muir, Globalization in transition: The future of trade and value chains, McKinsey Global Institute, January 2019.
Although output and trade continue to increase in absolute terms, trade intensity (that is, the share of output that is traded) is declining within almost every goods-producing value chain. Flows of services and data now play a much bigger role in tying the global economy together. Not only is trade in services growing faster than trade in goods, but services are creating value far beyond what national accounts measure. Using alternative measures, we find that services already constitute more value in global trade than goods. In addition, all global value chains are becoming more knowledge-intensive. Low-skill labor is becoming less important as factor of production. Contrary to popular perception, only about 18 percent of global goods trade is now driven by labor-cost arbitrage. 

Learning Scheduling Algorithms for Data Processing Clusters

Hongzi Mao, Malte Schwarzkopf, Shaileshh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, Zili Meng, Mohammad Alizadeh, Learning Scheduling Algorithms for Data Processing Clusters, SIGCOMM '19 Proceedings of the ACM Special Interest Group on Data Communication, Pages 270-288. 
Efficiently scheduling data processing jobs on distributed compute clusters requires complex algorithms. Current systems, however, use simple generalized heuristics and ignore workload characteristics, since developing and tuning a scheduling policy for each workload is infeasible. In this paper, we show that modern machine learning techniques can generate highly-efficient policies automatically. Decima uses reinforcement learning (RL) and neural networks to learn workload-specific scheduling algorithms without any human instruction beyond a high-level objective such as minimizing average job completion time. Off-the-shelf RL techniques, however, cannot handle the complexity and scale of the scheduling problem. To build Decima, we had to develop new representations for jobs' dependency graphs, design scalable RL models, and invent RL training methods for dealing with continuous stochastic job arrivals. Our prototype integration with Spark on a 25-node cluster shows that Decima improves the average job completion time over hand-tuned scheduling heuristics by at least 21%, achieving up to 2x improvement during periods of high cluster load.
Codes and more information. 


Food Discovery with Uber Eats

Ferras Hamad, Isaac Liu, and Xian Xing Zhang, Food Discovery with Uber Eats: Building a Query Understanding Engine, Uber, June 10, 2018
Choice is fundamental to the Uber Eats experience. At any given location, there could be thousands of restaurants and even more individual menu items for an eater to choose from. Many factors can influence their choice. For example, the time of day, their cuisine preference, and current mood can all play a role. At Uber Eats, we strive to help eaters find the exact food they want as effortlessly as possible....


Does democracy stifle economic growth? (民主會窒礙經濟增長嗎 ?)

Yasheng Huang (黃亞生), Does democracy stifle economic growth? (民主會窒礙經濟增長嗎 ?), TEDGlobal 2011, July 2011


天下雜誌,680 期,2019-08-28

文—鍾張涵 研究—施逸筠 

Algorithmic Regularization in Over-parameterized Matrix Sensing and Neural Networks with Quadratic Activations

Yuanzhi Li, Tengyu Ma and Hongyang Zhang, Algorithmic Regularization in Over-parameterized Matrix Sensing and Neural Networks with Quadratic Activations, COLT 18, Best Paper Award.
We show that the gradient descent algorithm provides an implicit regularization effect in the learning of over-parameterized matrix factorization models and one-hidden-layer neural networks with quadratic activations.  
Concretely, we show that given ˜O(dr2) random linear measurements of a rank r positive semidefinite matrix X⋆, we can recover X⋆ by parameterizing it by UU⊤ with U ∈ Rd×d and minimizing the squared loss, even if r ≪ d. We prove that starting from a small initialization, gradient descent recovers X⋆ in ˜O(√r) iterations approximately. The results solve the conjecture of Gunasekar et al. [16] under the restricted isometry property. 
The technique can be applied to analyzing neural networks with one-hidden-layer quadratic activations with some technical modifications.

GOLF 學用接軌聯盟

顏和正,科技大老不談生意 打一場沒有輸家、只有贏家的「GOLF」,天下雜誌,680 期,2019-08-27
這不是場慈善球賽,而是友達、緯創資通與仁寶電腦3家科技大廠,在去年共同成立的「學用接軌聯盟」GOLF(Gap of Learning & Field)。這個提供學生線上專業課程先修、線下實習機會的O2O平台,整合了全台21家企業與42所大學,就是為了創造產學接軌、青年培力、擴大企業人才庫的「三贏」。 



Hod Lipson and Melba Kurman, Driverless: Intelligent Cars and the Road Ahead, MIT Press, 2016.


Automated Machine Learning: Methods, Systems, Challenges

Frank Hutter, Lars Kotthoff, and Joaquin Vanschoren, Editors, Automated Machine Learning: Methods, Systems, Challenges, The Springer Series on Challenges in Machine Learning, 2019.
This open access book presents the first comprehensive overview of general methods in Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), collects descriptions of existing systems based on these methods, and discusses the first series of international challenges of AutoML systems. The recent success of commercial ML applications and the rapid growth of the field has created a high demand for off-the-shelf ML methods that can be used easily and without expert knowledge. However, many of the recent machine learning successes crucially rely on human experts, who manually select appropriate ML architectures (deep learning architectures or more traditional ML workflows) and their hyperparameters. To overcome this problem, the field of AutoML targets a progressive automation of machine learning, based on principles from optimization and machine learning itself. This book serves as a point of entry into this quickly-developing field for researchers and advanced students alike, as well as providing a reference for practitioners aiming to use AutoML in their work. 




Best Subset Selection via a Modern Optimization Lens

Dimitris Bertsimas, Angela King, and Rahul Mazumder, Best Subset Selection via a Modern Optimization Lens, Annals of Statistics, 2016, Vol. 44, No. 2, 813–852.
In the period 1991–2015, algorithmic advances in Mixed Integer Optimization (MIO) coupled with hardware improvements have resulted in an astonishing 450 billion factor speedup in solving MIO problems. We present a MIO approach for solving the classical best subset selection problem of choosing k out of p features in linear regression given n observations. We develop a discrete extension of modern first-order continuous optimization methods to find high quality feasible solutions that we use as warm starts to a MIO solver that finds provably optimal solutions. The resulting algorithm (a) provides a solution with a guarantee on its suboptimality even if we terminate the algorithm early, (b) can accommodate side constraints on the coefficients of the linear regression and (c) extends to finding best subset solutions for the least absolute deviation loss function. Using a wide variety of synthetic and real datasets, we demonstrate that our approach solves problems with n in the 1000s and p in the 100s in minutes to provable optimality, and finds near optimal solutions for n in the 100s and p in the 1000s in minutes. We also establish via numerical experiments that the MIO approach performs better than Lasso and other popularly used sparse learning procedures, in terms of achieving sparse solutions with good predictive power.


Scale AI 的資料標誌

一般訓練 AI 模型時,需要使用大量標記過的影像來訓練,總量動輒數十萬或百萬張,多半會由多位標誌師依據一套判斷規則分工標記。全部標記完後,再由一個人複查,找出符合標準的影像(Ground Truth 版資料),並用來來訓練 AI 模型。 
Scale AI 才創立三年,Google 子公司、通用汽車都是客戶 
看準這波 AI 模型訓練的需求,年僅 22 歲的 Alexandr Wang 在 2016 年成立一 Scale AI Inc.。致力於優化照片標記的過程。其所建構一套軟體系統,會先對圖像進行潤色、標記,如果無法辨識,再將此交給外包的資料標誌師處理。大幅縮短後續的作業時間。... 


Visa Is Combatting Fraud at Nearly the Speed of Light

By using artificial intelligence (AI), Visa Inc. helped issuers prevent an estimated $25 billion in annual fraud, the company announced on June 17. The company accomplished this using Visa Advanced Authorization (VAA), a comprehensive risk management tool that monitors transaction authorization on the Visa global network, VisaNet, in real time. 






1. 多樣化的材料選擇
2. 設計製造快速結合
3. 可以做更精細產品
4. 減少原料浪費



「我來林務局真的是出生入死,」從事護管員工作已有14年經驗的屏東林區管理處森林護管員吳國禎,長期查緝林木盜伐,回憶有起一次,遇上持有武器的山老鼠,「對方拿著獵槍開了30幾槍。怎麼辦?」 他說,當時只有抱頭逃竄的份。經歷槍林彈雨的場面,才想起長官交代出勤時要帶上防彈背心,至今仍感到心驚膽顫。


How To Improve Supply Chains With Machine Learning: 10 Proven Ways

Machine learning-based algorithms are the foundation of the next generation of logistics technologies, with the most significant gains being made with advanced resource scheduling systems. 
The wide variation in data sets generated from the Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, telematics, intelligent transport systems, and traffic data have the potential to deliver the most value to improving supply chains by using machine learning.  


王茜穎,電梯界的「關鍵報告」:在故障發生前,先下手為強,若水 Flow,2019/7
他們替電梯裝上感應器,收集即時資料,連上雲端,運用IBM Watson的物聯網平台和預測性維護軟體進行機器學習,比對數據資料庫裡的技術文件和維修記錄,尋找相關性,並從數據趨勢中建立預測模型,以求洞燭先機,預見哪台電梯何時可能故障,並在故障發生前,先下手為強,堪稱電梯界的「關鍵報告」。 






訓練設計上,分兩階段來完成,第一階段,先以其他資料集抽取人臉特徵,先訓練出一個深度卷積神經網路(DCNN)的模型,可以用來辨識人臉;接下來,再以大會提供的偽裝人臉資料,額外建立一個神經網路區塊,專門用於學習偽裝人臉的辨識。徐宏民進一步補充,設計網路時,不只使用深度學習技術,在進行特徵擷取時,也結合了早期的機器學習的 PCA(主成分分析)技術,將這些人臉資料先經轉換投射到一個新的特徵空間,來學習這些偽臉的主要特徵,再用學到的這些人臉結構、特徵去比對,找出眼前這個人是本人偽裝,還是別人假扮。經過他們訓練過的偽臉演算模型,連化濃妝後的 Lady Gaga 都能認。 

AI 決勝關鍵在於晶片

工業技術與資訊月刊,AI 決勝關鍵在於晶片,2019-05-20  

Solving the Rubik's Cube with Approximate Policy Iteration

Stephen McAleer, Forest Agostinelli, Alexander Shmakov, Pierre Baldi, Solving the Rubik's Cube with Approximate Policy Iteration, ICLR, 2019.
Recently, Approximate Policy Iteration (API) algorithms have achieved superhuman proficiency in two-player zero-sum games such as Go, Chess, and Shogi without human data. These API algorithms iterate between two policies: a slow policy (tree search), and a fast policy (a neural network). In these two-player games, a reward is always received at the end of the game. However, the Rubik’s Cube has only a single solved state, and episodes are not guaranteed to terminate. This poses a major problem for these API algorithms since they rely on the reward received at the end of the game. We introduce Autodidactic Iteration: an API algorithm that overcomes the problem of sparse rewards by training on a distribution of states that allows the reward to propagate from the goal state to states farther away. Autodidactic Iteration is able to learn how to solve the Rubik’s Cube without relying on human data. Our algorithm is able to solve 100% of randomly scrambled cubes while achieving a median solve length of 30 moves — less than or equal to solvers that employ human domain knowledge.
Forest Agostinelli, Stephen McAleer, Alexander Shmakov, Pierre Baldi. Solving the Rubik’s cube with deep reinforcement learning and search. Nature Machine Intelligence, 2019; DOI: 10.1038/s42256-019-0070-z (Data availability)

Airlines are finally fixing the middle seat

Mark Wilson, Airlines are finally fixing the middle seat, Fast Company, 07.18.19


音樂推薦在Spotify中並不是一個具象的功能,它被融入到了很多更細微的模組中。首先我們可以從時間緯度出發。Made For You是Spotify推薦歌單的一個集合,每個人的都不一樣,它會以每日、每週甚至是每年的頻率為你推薦音樂
Cold start
最後,如果你剛剛接觸Spotify,歌單/音樂庫應該還不夠豐富,這裡分享一個快速填充的方法:首先找到一首你最喜歡的音樂,右鍵選擇進入Song Radio,Spotify會基於這首歌推薦一個包含50首音樂的歌單,你可以選擇將這份歌單保存到自己的音樂庫中;對這份歌單進行篩選,將喜歡的音樂保存到音樂庫(紅心),同時繼續右鍵進入Song Radio,重複多次你的歌單/音樂庫就會豐富很多,Spotify也會更加瞭解你的音樂口味。

Mapping roads through deep learning and weakly supervised training

Saikat Basu, Derrick Bonafilia, James Gill, Danil Kirsanov, and David Yang, Mapping roads through deep learning and weakly supervised training, Facebook, July 23, 2019.
We collected our training data as a set of 2,048-by-2,048-pixel tiles, with a resolution of approximately 24 inches per pixel. We discarded tiles where fewer than 25 roads had been mapped, because we found that they often included only major roads (with no examples of smaller roads that would be more challenging to label correctly). For each remaining tile, we rasterized the road vectors and used the resulting mask as our training label. To work at the same resolution as the DeepGlobe data set, we randomly cropped each image to 1,024 by 1,024 pixels, thereby producing roughly 1.8 million tiles covering more than 700,000 square miles of terrain. The result was 1,000x more than the roughly 630 square miles that the DeepGlobe data set covered. To create segmentation masks from these road vectors, we simply rasterized each road vector to five pixels. Semantic segmentation labels tend to be pixel-perfect, but the labels we create with this heuristic are not. Roads vary in width and contour in ways that these rasterized vectors could not capture perfectly. Furthermore, roads in different regions around the globe are mapped from different satellite imagery sources and thus do not always align completely with the imagery we use for our training data. 



聊天得知同學畢業後想開餐飲店,問他會不算 (剛修過 的) 生管的損益平衡點 ,引發我出了一題作業。有次和在外工作多年的朋友聊天,他想開咖啡店,我用此方法算出的損益平衡點和朋友相近。

果漾水豬,分享一下開了兩年咖啡店的心得 有心想開咖啡店的進來



日本政府在出口到韓國的半導體相關先進材料將進行管制,自 7 月 4 日起將取消韓國的最惠國待遇,在氟化聚醯亞胺、光阻劑、高純度氟化氫,這三種 OLED 面板及半導體生產上不可或缺的原料出口,將從原先的免申請出口許可,改為逐案審核。而在相關的審查作業上,最長將花費 90 個工作天。 
此消息一出,引起韓國一片嘩然。根據韓國媒體報導,該國半導體產業對日本的依存度極高,在製造機台方面,韓國國產品比例只有 2 成不到。在剩餘的 8 成左右,則都仰賴自日本、美國,以及荷蘭等國進口。 
韓國是全球最大的半導體生產國,然而生產原料及設備都極度依賴進口。韓國的半導體生產設備自製率只有 18.2%,而在原料方面則達到 50.3%(2017 年時)。而在半導體的相關原料上,有近 50% 依賴自日本進口。


LIS 線上教學平台

LIS聲音的傳遞-波以耳2018年8月28日 (more)


林秀姿戶頭剩1千元 他堅持理念要做一輩子的教育,聯合報2018/12/18
嚴天浩大學考進成大化學系 ... 
科學教材集資計畫 請大家幫忙


AIQ 的時代

Nick Polson and James Scott, AIQ: How People and Machines Are Smarter Together, St. Martin's Press, 2018.
1. AI關鍵發展史上,7個人類智慧影響人工智慧的故事
2. 解讀促進AI發展的4大元素
3. 機器智慧(machine intelligence)新解!借助人工智慧之力「放大」人類智慧


鬼島 (Ghost Island)

黃明志Namewee ft.大支Dwagie【鬼島 Ghost Island】@亞洲通話 Calling Asia


收到某 Line 群組的訊息
第8頁是台灣優先口號下的台灣學生獎學金名額34人每人25000元 (一次性不是每月)。 
我們的基本工資有25000-30000元嗎? 6250人/3萬=187,500,000


Flexport 要做跨境物流的大平台

Olima,國貿物流再進化!不只貨運界 Uber!Flexport 要做跨境物流的大平台,bnext,2017.03.08
Flexport 於 2013 年成立,總部座落於美國矽谷,另外在舊金山、紐約、阿姆斯特丹、香港及深圳均設有辦公室;Flexport 想提供的是「以人為本的國際貨運代理整合服務」,試圖透過科技與軟體即時追蹤、管理貨運運輸活動,協助顧客分析國際航線、運輸價格、倉儲成本、訂單履行、以及進出口報關等資料。該公司所研發的系統,能夠利用大數據來分析貨物處理,利用科技化設備即時追蹤貨物流向,以節省物流作業流程、降低交易成本;亦透過電子化流程來減少人工錯誤,以大幅提升效率。 
Flexport 目前的主要客群是上市公司或新創公司,他們通常會有將原物料、零件或半成品運送到其他國家的需求。Flexport 想做的是建立一個服務完善且資訊透明的平台,在此平台中整合貨運流程的所有環節,使用「一鍵式服務(one-click service;亦即可在平台裡點一點按鍵就能處理所有事情)」讓顧客得以簡單、清楚且收費合理地完成原本繁瑣的貨物進出口流程。試想從前這些繁複的國際貿易流程(包含報關、訂艙、拼櫃、稅務、保險等),都必須各自透過專業機構來進行,顧客也必須跑得焦頭爛額才能完成,現在只要透過 Flexport 的平台,竟然就像上 24 小時購物網站買東西一樣容易,坐在家裡按一按即可完成!









Satya Nadella, Hit Refresh: The Quest to Rediscover Microsoft’s Soul and Imagine a Better Future




簡季婕說明,雖然原始資料量(raw data)越多越好,但真正關鍵的挑戰是蒐集到可用的資料,舉無人車針對路況做出反應的模型為例,一般正常路況的資料量多、好蒐集,但真正訓練模型做出反應的車禍資料,反而較難取得。因此,在數據的蒐集階段有兩項重點,一是要蒐集到足夠全面的資料(Variety),包括靜態、動態、不同環境的資料,二是要蒐集到不同複雜程度得資料(Complexity),無論是陰暗光線、雨水、被標註物件的數量或大小都會讓情境變複雜。

Alan Turing, Condemned Code Breaker and Computer Visionary

Alan Cowell, Overlooked No More: Alan Turing, Condemned Code Breaker and Computer Visionary, The New York Times, June 5, 2019.
His genius embraced the first visions of modern computing and produced seminal insights into what became known as “artificial intelligence.” As one of the most influential code breakers of World War II, his cryptology yielded intelligence believed to have hastened the Allied victory. 

LinkedIn 的求職推薦系統

LinkedIn 使用了一個包含三個因素的標準來描述搜索推薦模型需要實現的目標。 
1.關聯: 搜索結果不僅需要返回給相關的候選人,還需要顯示可能對目標職位感興趣的候選人。



本書用資料告訴你,如果你只用本益比的單一條件選股,你可以得到15.8%的年化報酬率,而標準差是21.9%。如果你用彼得林區著名的選股方法PEG(本益成長比=本益比÷淨利潤增長率)來選股,那麼報酬率大約是7.6%,只比大盤強一點。而投報率最高的是用P/B、P/S、EY、ROE、ROC 5個因子選股,高達21%。 




1. 兩岸經貿問題是政治問題,不能簡化為自由化、國際化問題!
2. 全球化不能迴避,但是簽 FTA 並不是經濟萬靈丹
3. 胡亂降稅無法吸引投資,反而拉大貧富差距,製造社會對立!




當年我的預官訓是在通訊學校完成,同連 100 多人,都是公私立大學和五專的電機系學生。每一週的放假需要有人輪流留守,所以大家事先講好,多出來的一週由抽到某些『較涼』單位的人負責留守。等待要兌現諾言前一週的協調會,舉手發言反悔的人都是台清交的,排名越好、反悔的人越多。最後在我發言後重抽。只重視單一考試價值的聯考下,培養出如此的人才是我們社會想要的嗎 (1)?

If You Don’t Know, Now You Know: 5G

The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, If You Don’t Know, Now You Know: 5G, 2019/5/22


How IBM Watson Overpromised and Underdelivered on AI Health Care

Eliza Strickland, How IBM Watson Overpromised and Underdelivered on AI Health Care, IEEE Spectrum, 2 Apr 2019. 
In many attempted applications, Watson’s NLP struggled to make sense of medical text—as have many other AI systems. “We’re doing incredibly better with NLP than we were five years ago, yet we’re still incredibly worse than humans,” says Yoshua Bengio, a professor of computer science at the University of Montreal and a leading AI researcher. In medical text documents, Bengio says, AI systems can’t understand ambiguity and don’t pick up on subtle clues that a human doctor would notice. Bengio says current NLP technology can help the health care system: “It doesn’t have to have full understanding to do something incredibly useful,” he says. But no AI built so far can match a human doctor’s comprehension and insight. “No, we’re not there,” he says....

Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control by Bertsekas

Dimitri P. Bertsekas,  Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control, MIT, 2019.
The purpose of the book is to consider large and challenging multistage decision problems, which can be solved in principle by dynamic programming and optimal control, but their exact solution is computationally intractable. We discuss solution methods that rely on approximations to produce suboptimal policies with adequate performance. These methods are collectively referred to as reinforcement learning, and also by alternative names such as approximate dynamic programming, and neuro-dynamic programming.

Two Sigma 的避險基金

紀茗仁、譚偉晟、黃亞琪,光速撈上萬資料 避險基金靠它找標的,今周刊,2019-01-23
何謂「第一手資料」?就是各種看似與股價沒有直接關聯的消息。舉例來說,Two Sigma的AI系統會從推特等社群媒體的貼文,抓取關於某家零售商的相關抱怨,分析消費者的「怨氣」是否可能影響股價。

當然,還要搭配其他三種面向的分析,例如,即使消費者的怨氣不小,但若發現該零售商股價已從低點突破兩百日均線,且公司主管悄悄買進了更多自家股票,整體分析下來,仍可能做出買進結論。其實,Two Sigma用來分析股價的資料來源族繁不及備載,甚至包括天氣對個股的影響,都被收納在資料蒐集的範圍內。
INSIGHTS at  Two Sigma: Forecasting Factor Returns


12 年國教的 AI 課程

Welcome to the ai4k12 wiki! This interim site is being used to organize the AI for K-12 initiative jointly sponsored by AAAI and CSTA. This page will help us get started on the dialog that will eventually result in (1) national guidelines for AI education for K-12, and (2) an online, curated Resource Directory to facilitate AI instruction. To join the AI for K-12 mailing list, send mail to ai4k12@aaai.org. To read about the initiative, see these slides.
Five Big Ideas in AI (page 37 - 42), Overview of the Resource Library (pages 59 - 77).

The Use of UAVs in Humanitarian Relief (無人機在人道主義救濟中的應用)

Raissa Zurli Bittencourt Bravo, Adriana Leiras, and Fernando Luiz Cyrino Oliveira, The Use of UAVs in Humanitarian Relief: An Application of POMDP-Based Methodology for Finding Victims, Production and Operations Management,  Vol. 28, No. 2, February 2019, pp. 421–440.
Researchers have proposed the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in humanitarian relief to search for victims in disaster-affected areas. Once UAVs must search through the entire affected area to find victims, the path-planning operation becomes equivalent to an area coverage problem. In this study, we propose an innovative method for solving such problem based on a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP), which considers the observations made from UAVs. The formulation of the UAV path planning is based on the idea of assigning higher priorities to the areas that are more likely to have victims. We applied the method to three illustrative cases, considering different types of disasters: a tornado in Brazil, a refugee camp in South Sudan, and a nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan. The results demonstrated that the POMDP solution achieves full coverage of disaster-affected areas within a reasonable time span. We evaluate the traveled distance and the operation duration (which were quite stable), as well as the time required to find groups of victims by a detailed multivariate sensitivity analysis. The comparisons with a Greedy Algorithm showed that the POMDP finds victims more quickly, which is the priority in humanitarian relief, whereas the performance of the Greedy focuses on minimizing the traveled distance. We also discuss the ethical, legal, and social acceptance issues that can influence the application of the proposed methodology in practice.

The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Trainable Neural Networks

Jonathan Frankle and Michael Carbin, The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Trainable Neural Networks, ICLR 2019 (best paper).
We present an algorithm to identify winning tickets and a series of experiments that support the lottery ticket hypothesis and the importance of these fortuitous initializations. We consistently find winning tickets that are less than 10-20% of the size of several fully-connected and convolutional feed-forward architectures for MNIST and CIFAR10. Above this size, the winning tickets that we find learn faster than the original network and reach higher test accuracy.


James Vincent, This AI-generated Joe Rogan fake has to be heard to be believed, The Verge, May 17, 2019.



今年三月,陳維超到美國NVIDIA 開發者大會上演講,談的就是這一年多來,英業達如何運用Edge AI(終端人工智慧)做工業瑕疵檢測。智慧製造的主要應用有兩層:一,流程自動化,包括自動測檢、生產排程;二,預測性分析,如訂單預估、預防性保養。

前線國際 (Frontier) 的布料搜尋引擎



把廢柴教到全部上大學 她寫鮮師傳奇

郝廣才把廢柴教到全部上大學 她寫鮮師傳奇,今周刊2019-05-15 



在台達東莞、吳江廠內,智慧自動化模範生產線從人工插件、測試、包裝、鎖螺絲到點交,全部機台都整合到一氣呵成。「現在model line (模範線)每個廠都有做,都可以達到90%人力的取代,沒有問題,接下來難的是平行展開,」鄭平接受《天下》採訪時自信地說。...


Are adversarial examples inevitable?

Ali Shafahi, W. Ronny Huang, Christoph Studer, Soheil Feizi, and Tom Goldstein, Are adversarial examples inevitable?, ICLR, 2019. (open review)
Theorem 1 (Existence of Adversarial Examples)
Theorem 2 (Adversarial examples on the cube)
Theorem 3 (Sparse adversarial examples)
Theorem 4 (Condition for existence of adversarial examples) 


14 Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century

National Academy of Engineering, 14 Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century.
Make Solar Energy Economical
Provide Energy from Fusion
Develop Carbon Sequestration Methods
Manage the Nitrogen Cycle
Provide Access to Clean Water
Restore and Improve Urban Infrastructure
Advance Health Informatics
Engineer Better Medicines
Reverse-Engineer the Brain
Prevent Nuclear Terror
Secure Cyberspace
Enhance Virtual Reality
Advance Personalized Learning
Engineer the Tools of Scientific Discovery
PingWest,事關人類存亡的 14 大工程難題,要靠 AI 來搞定了,TechNews,2019 年 05 月 13 日


Leveraging Comparables for New Product Sales Forecasting

Lennart Baardman, Igor Levin, Georgia Perakis, and Divya Singhvi, Leveraging Comparables for New Product Sales Forecasting, Production and Operations Management, Volume 27, Issue 12, 06 December 2018, Pages: 2340-2343. (First Prize of the 3rd POMS Applied Research Challenge)
This work develops an accurate, scalable and interpretable forecasting tool calibrated with our industry partners’ data. These characteristics are important to our two major industry partners, one being Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies Inc., a consumer healthcare manufacturer, the other being a large fashion retailer. In building our tool we are motivated by an approach that has been used by industry practitioners: identify a set of products comparable to the new product, average their historical sales, and use this as a forecast. In line with this approach, we devise a model that uses analytics to jointly cluster products while estimating a regularized regression model for each cluster’s sales.... 
The joint cluster-while-regress model is formulated as a non-linear integer optimization problem that is proven to be NP-hard. However, we use the practical interpretation of our problem to devise a fast algorithm whose iterative steps mimic industry practice.... 
Working in collaboration with two large industry partners, we show that our algorithm results in a 20–70% MAPE improvement and 10–60% WMAPE improvement over several benchmarks used in practice.



顏聖紘,高中競相找大學教授模擬面試真的有用嗎?,03 Apr, 2018

企業實驗 (Business Experiments)


Eric Almquist and Gordon Wyner, Boost Your Marketing ROI with Experimental Design, Harvard Business Review, Oct 01, 2001.

Thomas H. Davenport, How to Design Smart Business Experiments,  Harvard Business Review, Feb 01, 2009.

Eric T. Anderson and Duncan Simester, A Step-By-Step Guide to Smart Business Experiments,  Harvard Business Review, Mar 01, 2011.



王姿琳150 萬會員資料亂糟糟 杏一如何翻轉它?,商業周刊2019.04.17


Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, 3/e, Prentice Hall, 2009.

完整且經典的書。Python 碼

On a Formal Model of Safe and Scalable Self-driving Cars (自駕車)

Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Shaked Shammah, and Amnon Shashua, On a Formal Model of Safe and Scalable Self-driving Cars, arXiv:1708.06374, Mobileye, 2017.
In order to gain perspective over the typical values for such probabilities, consider public accident statistics in the United States. The probability of a fatal accident for a human driver in 1 hour of driving is 10^−6. From the Lemma above, if we want to claim that an AV meets the same probability of a fatal accident, one would need more than 10^6 hours of driving. Assuming that the average speed in 1 hour of driving is 30 miles per hour, the AV would need to drive 30 million miles to have enough statistical evidence that the AV under test meets the same probability of a fatal accident in 1 hour of driving as a human driver.... (*) 


Risk-based policies for airport security checkpoint screening (機場安檢檢查站檢查)

L.A. McLay, A.J. Lee, and S.H. Jacobson, Risk-based policies for airport security checkpoint screening, Transportation Science, Volume 44, Issue 3, August 2010, pp. 333-349. (Informs 2018 Impact Prize) 
Passenger screening is an important component of aviation security that incorporates real-time passenger screening strategies designed to maximize effectiveness in identifying potential terrorist attacks. This paper identifies a methodology that can be used to sequentially and optimally assign passengers to aviation security resources. An automated prescreening system determines passengers' perceived risk levels, which become known as passengers check in. The levels are available for determining security class assignments sequentially as passengers enter security screening. A passenger is then assigned to one of several available security classes, each of which corresponds to a particular set of screening devices. The objective is to use the passengers' perceived risk levels to determine the optimal policy for passenger screening assignments that maximize the expected total security, subject to capacity and assignment constraints. The sequential passenger assignment problem is formulated as a Markov decision process, and an optimal policy is found using dynamic programming. The general result from the sequential stochastic assignment problem is adapted to provide a heuristic for assigning passengers to security classes in real time. A condition is provided under which this heuristic yields the optimal policy. The model is illustrated with an example that incorporates data extracted from the Official Airline Guide.

Temporal Big Data for Tactical Sales Forecasting in the Tire Industry

Yves R. Sagaert, El-Houssaine Aghezzaf, Nikolaos Kourentzes, and Bram Desmet, Temporal Big Data for Tactical Sales Forecasting in the Tire Industry, Interfaces, Volume 48, Issue 2, March-April 2018, pp. 121–129.
We propose a forecasting method to improve the accuracy of tactical sales predictions for a major supplier to the tire industry. This level of forecasting, which serves as direct input to the demand-planning process and steers the global supply chain, is typically done up to a year in advance. The product portfolio of the company for which we did our research is sensitive to external events. Univariate statistical methods, which are commonly used in practice, cannot be used to anticipate and forecast changes in the market; and forecasts by human experts are known to be biased and inconsistent. The method we propose allows us to automate the identification of key leading indicators, which drive sales, from a massive set of macroeconomic indicators, across different regions and markets; thus, we can generate accurate forecasts. Our method also allows us to handle the additional complexity that results from short-term and long-term dynamics of product sales and external indicators. For the company we study, accuracy improved by 16.1 percent over its current practice. Furthermore, our method makes the market dynamics transparent to company managers, thus allowing them to better understand the events and economic variables that affect the sales of their products.