
Does democracy stifle economic growth? (民主會窒礙經濟增長嗎 ?)

Yasheng Huang (黃亞生), Does democracy stifle economic growth? (民主會窒礙經濟增長嗎 ?), TEDGlobal 2011, July 2011


天下雜誌,680 期,2019-08-28

文—鍾張涵 研究—施逸筠 

Algorithmic Regularization in Over-parameterized Matrix Sensing and Neural Networks with Quadratic Activations

Yuanzhi Li, Tengyu Ma and Hongyang Zhang, Algorithmic Regularization in Over-parameterized Matrix Sensing and Neural Networks with Quadratic Activations, COLT 18, Best Paper Award.
We show that the gradient descent algorithm provides an implicit regularization effect in the learning of over-parameterized matrix factorization models and one-hidden-layer neural networks with quadratic activations.  
Concretely, we show that given ˜O(dr2) random linear measurements of a rank r positive semidefinite matrix X⋆, we can recover X⋆ by parameterizing it by UU⊤ with U ∈ Rd×d and minimizing the squared loss, even if r ≪ d. We prove that starting from a small initialization, gradient descent recovers X⋆ in ˜O(√r) iterations approximately. The results solve the conjecture of Gunasekar et al. [16] under the restricted isometry property. 
The technique can be applied to analyzing neural networks with one-hidden-layer quadratic activations with some technical modifications.

GOLF 學用接軌聯盟

顏和正,科技大老不談生意 打一場沒有輸家、只有贏家的「GOLF」,天下雜誌,680 期,2019-08-27
這不是場慈善球賽,而是友達、緯創資通與仁寶電腦3家科技大廠,在去年共同成立的「學用接軌聯盟」GOLF(Gap of Learning & Field)。這個提供學生線上專業課程先修、線下實習機會的O2O平台,整合了全台21家企業與42所大學,就是為了創造產學接軌、青年培力、擴大企業人才庫的「三贏」。 



Hod Lipson and Melba Kurman, Driverless: Intelligent Cars and the Road Ahead, MIT Press, 2016.


Automated Machine Learning: Methods, Systems, Challenges

Frank Hutter, Lars Kotthoff, and Joaquin Vanschoren, Editors, Automated Machine Learning: Methods, Systems, Challenges, The Springer Series on Challenges in Machine Learning, 2019.
This open access book presents the first comprehensive overview of general methods in Automated Machine Learning (AutoML), collects descriptions of existing systems based on these methods, and discusses the first series of international challenges of AutoML systems. The recent success of commercial ML applications and the rapid growth of the field has created a high demand for off-the-shelf ML methods that can be used easily and without expert knowledge. However, many of the recent machine learning successes crucially rely on human experts, who manually select appropriate ML architectures (deep learning architectures or more traditional ML workflows) and their hyperparameters. To overcome this problem, the field of AutoML targets a progressive automation of machine learning, based on principles from optimization and machine learning itself. This book serves as a point of entry into this quickly-developing field for researchers and advanced students alike, as well as providing a reference for practitioners aiming to use AutoML in their work. 




Best Subset Selection via a Modern Optimization Lens

Dimitris Bertsimas, Angela King, and Rahul Mazumder, Best Subset Selection via a Modern Optimization Lens, Annals of Statistics, 2016, Vol. 44, No. 2, 813–852.
In the period 1991–2015, algorithmic advances in Mixed Integer Optimization (MIO) coupled with hardware improvements have resulted in an astonishing 450 billion factor speedup in solving MIO problems. We present a MIO approach for solving the classical best subset selection problem of choosing k out of p features in linear regression given n observations. We develop a discrete extension of modern first-order continuous optimization methods to find high quality feasible solutions that we use as warm starts to a MIO solver that finds provably optimal solutions. The resulting algorithm (a) provides a solution with a guarantee on its suboptimality even if we terminate the algorithm early, (b) can accommodate side constraints on the coefficients of the linear regression and (c) extends to finding best subset solutions for the least absolute deviation loss function. Using a wide variety of synthetic and real datasets, we demonstrate that our approach solves problems with n in the 1000s and p in the 100s in minutes to provable optimality, and finds near optimal solutions for n in the 100s and p in the 1000s in minutes. We also establish via numerical experiments that the MIO approach performs better than Lasso and other popularly used sparse learning procedures, in terms of achieving sparse solutions with good predictive power.


Scale AI 的資料標誌

一般訓練 AI 模型時,需要使用大量標記過的影像來訓練,總量動輒數十萬或百萬張,多半會由多位標誌師依據一套判斷規則分工標記。全部標記完後,再由一個人複查,找出符合標準的影像(Ground Truth 版資料),並用來來訓練 AI 模型。 
Scale AI 才創立三年,Google 子公司、通用汽車都是客戶 
看準這波 AI 模型訓練的需求,年僅 22 歲的 Alexandr Wang 在 2016 年成立一 Scale AI Inc.。致力於優化照片標記的過程。其所建構一套軟體系統,會先對圖像進行潤色、標記,如果無法辨識,再將此交給外包的資料標誌師處理。大幅縮短後續的作業時間。... 


Visa Is Combatting Fraud at Nearly the Speed of Light

By using artificial intelligence (AI), Visa Inc. helped issuers prevent an estimated $25 billion in annual fraud, the company announced on June 17. The company accomplished this using Visa Advanced Authorization (VAA), a comprehensive risk management tool that monitors transaction authorization on the Visa global network, VisaNet, in real time. 






1. 多樣化的材料選擇
2. 設計製造快速結合
3. 可以做更精細產品
4. 減少原料浪費



「我來林務局真的是出生入死,」從事護管員工作已有14年經驗的屏東林區管理處森林護管員吳國禎,長期查緝林木盜伐,回憶有起一次,遇上持有武器的山老鼠,「對方拿著獵槍開了30幾槍。怎麼辦?」 他說,當時只有抱頭逃竄的份。經歷槍林彈雨的場面,才想起長官交代出勤時要帶上防彈背心,至今仍感到心驚膽顫。


How To Improve Supply Chains With Machine Learning: 10 Proven Ways

Machine learning-based algorithms are the foundation of the next generation of logistics technologies, with the most significant gains being made with advanced resource scheduling systems. 
The wide variation in data sets generated from the Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, telematics, intelligent transport systems, and traffic data have the potential to deliver the most value to improving supply chains by using machine learning.  


王茜穎,電梯界的「關鍵報告」:在故障發生前,先下手為強,若水 Flow,2019/7
他們替電梯裝上感應器,收集即時資料,連上雲端,運用IBM Watson的物聯網平台和預測性維護軟體進行機器學習,比對數據資料庫裡的技術文件和維修記錄,尋找相關性,並從數據趨勢中建立預測模型,以求洞燭先機,預見哪台電梯何時可能故障,並在故障發生前,先下手為強,堪稱電梯界的「關鍵報告」。 


