



除了解釋公式的管理意涵外,依照往例,我會說明完整的故事,例如如何利用行銷,找到影響需求量的關鍵因素;利用網路技術,搜尋相關的數據;利用經濟學,了解可能的需求函數;利用統計學,找到需求曲線,以驗證假設和資料間的相關性;利用微積分和作業研究, 找到合適的價格; 最後,使用程式實現之。

有了這樣的基礎 ,就可以了解價格變化對需求的影響,連動到後端的供應鏈和存貨管理。 這種精準的預測能力,是大數據和機器學習火紅的根本原因之一。

當然,完成這樣的系統不容易。 不過,我請同學退一萬步想 ,同儕間有多少人有這種本事。 和大學畢業文憑數相比,就可知道兩者之間的差距。


Machine Learning Yearning by Andrew Ng

Andrew Ng, Machine Learning Yearning, 2018.

集結作者豐富的產學經驗,說明開發機器學習系統的整體概念、要點、和方法。輸入 email 後,會收到全文。


使用最佳化 (optimization) 方法以插補遺漏資料 (missing data imputation)

D. Bertsimas, C. Pawlowski and Y. Zhuo, From Predictive Methods to Missing Data Imputation: An Optimization Approach, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18 (2018), 1-39. (pdf)

資料科學第一步是做資料的分析,常常面臨的問題是資料有遺失,在此篇論文中,作者使用最佳化的方法以插補 (impute) 遺失的資料。這是延續 Prof. Bertsimas 之前的研究方法,也可以參考此授課大綱 (Machine Learning via a Modern Optimization Lens) 中所引述的論文。

因為最佳化的問題為非凸 (nonconvex),所以轉成整數規劃;但整數規劃的求解時間太久,所以用一次條件 (coordinate descent (坐標下降法)) 快速地求解和傳統方法 (K-NN, SVM, trees) 比較,得到較好的結果
For models trained using opt.impute single imputations with 50% data missing, the average out-of-sample R^2 is 0.339 in the regression tasks and the average out-of-sample accuracy is 86.1% in the classification tasks, compared to 0.315 and 84.4% for the best cross-validated benchmark method.
論文中的參考文獻大都來自醫學,看了 Y. Zhuo 的資料,才知道和 D. Bertsimas 開了家新創公司 Interpretable AI也可以從中了解美國大學的產學運作機制,如何將最新的研究轉成商品或軟體公司

的介紹,是把兩位前學生放前面,展現 D. Bertsimas 的氣度和尊重人才的重要性


創業家兄弟靠 AI 找出利潤高的好賣商品






中山大學教授們用 AI 把養蝦育成率提高到 7 成



The true cost of fast fashion (快時尚的真正成本)

The Economist, The true cost of fast fashion, 2018/11/29

Millions of tonnes of clothes end up in landfill every year—it’s one of the fastest-growing categories of waste in the world. How can the fashion industry continue to grow while addressing the environmental need for people to buy fewer clothes?



How Germany’s Otto uses artificial intelligence

Otto’s work stands out because it is already automating business decisions that go beyond customer management. The most important is trying to lower returns of products, which cost the firm millions of euros a year. 
Its conventional data analysis showed that customers were less likely to return merchandise if it arrived within two days. Anything longer spelled trouble: a customer might spot the product in a shop for one euro less and buy it, forcing Otto to forgo the sale and eat the shipping costs.

ActiveRemediation: The Search for Lead Pipes in Flint, Michigan

Jacob Abernethy, Alex Chojnacki, Arya Farahi, Eric Schwartz, Jared Webb, ActiveRemediation: The Search for Lead Pipes in Flint, Michigan, KDD 2018.

We detail our ongoing work in Flint, Michigan to detect pipes made of lead and other hazardous metals. After elevated levels of lead were detected in residents' drinking water, followed by an increase in blood lead levels in area children, the state and federal governments directed over $125 million to replace water service lines, the pipes connecting each home to the water system. In the absence of accurate records, and with the high cost of determining buried pipe materials, we put forth a number of predictive and procedural tools to aid in the search and removal of lead infrastructure. Alongside these statistical and machine learning approaches, we describe our interactions with government officials in recommending homes for both inspection and replacement, with a focus on the statistical model that adapts to incoming information. Finally, in light of discussions about increased spending on infrastructure development by the federal government, we explore how our approach generalizes beyond Flint to other municipalities nationwide....

Applying artificial intelligence for social good (將人工智慧應用於社會福利)

Michael Chui, Martin Harrysson, James Manyika, Roger Roberts, Rita Chung, Pieter Nel, and Ashley van Heteren, Applying artificial intelligence for social good (將人工智慧應用於社會福利), McKinsey Global Institute (麥肯錫全球研究所), November 2018
Through an analysis of about 160 AI social impact use cases, we have identified and characterized ten domains where adding AI to the solution mix could have large-scale social impact. These range across all 17 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and could potentially help hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Real-life examples show AI already being applied to some degree in about one-third of these use cases, ranging from helping blind people navigate their surroundings to aiding disaster relief efforts. 




產業共通挑戰:瑕疵檢測,自動流程控制,預測性維護,原料組合最佳化 (slide 10 to 26)



蔡亞樺北市投票排隊等2小時 緊急調增800個圈票處自由時報2018-11-24 14:58


Data science framework for TFT-LCD manufacturing

Chia-Yen Lee and Tsung-Lun Tsai, Data science framework for variable selection, metrology prediction, and process control in TFT-LCD manufacturing, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 55 (2019) 76–87.
TFT-LCD panel manufacturers rely on experimental design and engineering experience for process monitoring and quality control throughout the production line. To shorten production and reduce the cost of labor resources, this study proposes a three-phase data science framework embedded with several data mining and machine learning techniques, which can identify the variables affecting yield, predict the metrology result of photo spacer process, and suggest the process control in the color filter manufacturing process. An empirical study of Taiwan's leading TFT-LCD manufacturer is conducted to validate the proposed framework. The results indicate that the proposed framework effectively and quickly selects the important variables, predicts the metrology result with higher performance, and identifies the main effect and interaction effect of the selected variables for yield improvement.