


Dan Senor and Saul Singer, Start-up Nation: the story of Israel’s economic miracle, Twelve, 2011.



50 years of Data Science

David Donoho, 50 Years of Data Science, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, Volume 26, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 745-766.

More than 50 years ago, John Tukey called for a reformation of academic statistics. In “The Future of Data Analysis,” he pointed to the existence of an as-yet unrecognized science, whose subject of interest was learning from data, or “data analysis.” Ten to 20 years ago, John Chambers, Jeff Wu, Bill Cleveland, and Leo Breiman independently once again urged academic statistics to expand its boundaries beyond the classical domain of theoretical statistics; Chambers called for more emphasis on data preparation and presentation rather than statistical modeling; and Breiman called for emphasis on prediction rather than inference. Cleveland and Wu even suggested the catchy name “data science” for this envisioned field. A recent and growing phenomenon has been the emergence of “data science” programs at major universities, including UC Berkeley, NYU, MIT, and most prominently, the University of Michigan, which in September 2015 announced a $100M “Data Science Initiative” that aims to hire 35 new faculty. Teaching in these new programs has significant overlap in curricular subject matter with traditional statistics courses; yet many academic statisticians perceive the new programs as “cultural appropriation.” This article reviews some ingredients of the current “data science moment,” including recent commentary about data science in the popular media, and about how/whether data science is really different from statistics. The now-contemplated field of data science amounts to a superset of the fields of statistics and machine learning, which adds some technology for “scaling up” to “big data.” This chosen superset is motivated by commercial rather than intellectual developments. Choosing in this way is likely to miss out on the really important intellectual event of the next 50 years. Because all of science itself will soon become data that can be mined, the imminent revolution in data science is not about mere “scaling up,” but instead the emergence of scientific studies of data analysis science-wide. In the future, we will be able to predict how a proposal to change data analysis workflows would impact the validity of data analysis across all of science, even predicting the impacts field-by-field. Drawing on work by Tukey, Cleveland, Chambers, and Breiman, I present a vision of data science based on the activities of people who are “learning from data,” and I describe an academic field dedicated to improving that activity in an evidence-based manner. This new field is a better academic enlargement of statistics and machine learning than today’s data science initiatives, while being able to accommodate the same short-term goals.








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Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning by DeepMind

Ian Osband, Yotam Doron, Matteo Hessel, John Aslanides, Eren Sezener, Andre Saraiva, Katrina McKinney, Tor Lattimore, Csaba Szepesvari, Satinder Singh, Benjamin Van Roy, Richard Sutton, David Silver, Hado Van Hasselt, Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning,  ICLR 2020. (code)

This paper introduces the Behaviour Suite for Reinforcement Learning, or bsuite for short. bsuite is a collection of carefully-designed experiments that investigate core capabilities of reinforcement learning (RL) agents with two objectives. First, to collect clear, informative and scalable problems that capture key issues in the design of general and efficient learning algorithms. Second, to study agent behaviour through their performance on these shared benchmarks. To complement this effort, we open source this http URL, which automates evaluation and analysis of any agent on bsuite. This library facilitates reproducible and accessible research on the core issues in RL, and ultimately the design of superior learning algorithms. Our code is Python, and easy to use within existing projects. We include examples with OpenAI Baselines, Dopamine as well as new reference implementations. Going forward, we hope to incorporate more excellent experiments from the research community, and commit to a periodic review of bsuite from a committee of prominent researchers.


和和機械 5 年前關鍵布局

林洧楨 ,亞洲切彎管機王揭5年前關鍵布局:我一猶豫就死了! 41歲黑手廠挖台積電人才 和和怎麼躲過工具機衰退?,商業周刊,2020-10-15




Important Papers That Were Rejected (Several Times) ...

FIONA MACDONALD, 8 Scientific Papers That Were Rejected Before Going on to Win a Nobel Prize, Science Alert, 19 AUGUST 2016.

Peer-review involves having a group of independent researchers read every paper submitted to a journal to make sure that the methods and conclusions are solid. They will often suggest revisions to be made, and can reject a paper if they think more work needs to be done, or if it's not the right fit for the journal.

Following rejection, the end product is usually better than it would have been originally - or it at least, ends up in a more appropriate journal.

Joshua S. Gans and George B. Shepherd, How Are the Mighty Fallen: Rejected Classic Articles by Leading Economists, The Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Winter, 1994), pp. 165-179.

This paper presents a selection of dispatches from the publication battlefront. We begin by discussing rejections that winners of the Nobel Prize and John Bates Clark Medal have endured, and some other notable cases. We then turn to the record of John Maynard Keynes' quirky refusals, when he was the Economics Journal's editor, of several important articles and authors. Finally, we offer some thoughts about the implications of these findings.



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A few useful things to know about machine learning

Pedro Domingos, A Few Useful Things to Know About Machine Learning, Communications of the ACM, 2012, Vol. 55, No. 10, Pages 78-87.

This article summarizes 12 key lessons that machine learning researchers and practitioners have learned. These include pitfalls to avoid, important issues to focus on, and answers to common questions. 

Table 1 The three components of learning algorithms.

Learning = Representation + Evaluation + Optimization 

This is a nice overview article which could be assigned as an entry-level course reading. For a teacher, you could cover these topics or provide enough background material in your course so that the students could explore the content by themselves.