
The advice I wish I heard at the graduation I never had

Bill Gates, 5 things I wish I heard at the graduation I never had, May 13, 2023

  1. The first thing is, your life isn’t a one-act play.
  2. The second piece of advice I wish I heard at my graduation is that you are never too smart to be confused.
  3. My third piece of advice is to gravitate toward work that solves an important problem.
  4. My fourth piece of advice is simple: Don’t underestimate the power of friendship.
  5. My last piece of advice is the one I could have used the most. It took me a long time to learn. And it is this: You are not a slacker if you cut yourself some slack. 


Augustin Hadelich

MNA 牛耳藝術

Augustin Hadelich 五歲開始學小提琴,七歲舉辦人生第一場音樂會,然十五歲那年,一場火災意外使他暫停演奏小提琴一整年的時間,臉和握弓的手都嚴重燒傷。家鄉之火、身心苦痛,只是更堅定了他以音樂為一生志業的道路。



Optimization in Online Content Recommendation Services

Omar Besbes, Yonatan Gur, Assaf Zeevi, Optimization in Online Content Recommendation Services: Beyond Click-Through Rates, 18(1), pp. 15–33, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Volume 18, Issue 1, Winter 2016. 

A new class of online services allows Internet media sites to direct users from articles they are currently reading to other content they may be interested in. This process creates a “browsing path” along which there is potential for repeated interaction between the user and the provider, giving rise to a dynamic optimization problem. A key metric that often underlies this recommendation process is the click-through rate (CTR) of candidate articles. Whereas CTR is a measure of instantaneous click likelihood, we analyze the performance improvement that one may achieve by some lookahead that accounts for the potential future path of users. To that end, by using some data of user path history at major media sites, we introduce and derive a representation of content along two key dimensions: clickability, the likelihood to click to an article when it is recommended; and engageability, the likelihood to click from an article when it hosts a recommendation. We then propose a class of heuristics that leverage both clickability and engageability, and provide theoretical support for favoring such path-focused heuristics over myopic heuristics that focus only on clickability (no lookahead). We conduct a live pilot experiment that measures the performance of a practical proxy of our proposed class, when integrated into the operating system of a worldwide leading provider of content recommendations, allowing us to estimate the aggregate improvement in clicks per visit relative to the CTR-driven current practice. The documented improvement highlights the importance and the practicality of efficiently incorporating the future path of users in real time.


2019 澤倫斯基當選後,親俄作為不受俄方理睬

王宏恩,2019澤倫斯基當選也被視為是緩和,然後俄羅斯就進攻了,思想坦克,2023 年 4 月 27 日 

時間到了2019年的總統選舉,Poroshenko的政府內爆發數起重大弊案,聲望持續下滑。此時一個全新的政黨崛起:人民公僕黨(Sluha Narodu, Servant of the People)。這個黨名當初就是抄襲著名電視劇,2018年才成立,也提名了喜劇演員澤倫斯基出馬角逐總統選舉。澤倫斯基完全沒有從政的經驗,也沒有提出任何鮮明的政策,但他有一個非常鮮明的口號──「打倒貪腐,不要戰爭」。
