
紀念 Prof. Rudolf Kalman (卡爾曼) (1930 - 2016)

卡爾曼教授有許多傑出的研究在 44 歲時便得到 IEEE Medal of Honor研究所有一門課叫做卡爾曼濾波器 (Kalman filter)在大學中很少使用人名當成課名的另外一門線性系統理論 (linear system theory)內容中的可控制性 (controllability)可觀察性 (observability)和最佳控制 (optimal control, LQR) 都是和他有關

由其學生和同袍撰寫IEEE Control Systems (Volume: 37, Issue: 2, April 2017) 出了特刊以紀念這位偉大的工程師




DHL 使用擴增實境 (AR) 以增進揀貨效率

DHL, DHL Supply Chain makes smart glasses new standard in logistics, 2017/8/2.

DHL Supply Chain successfully completed its global augmented reality pilots and is expanding its "Vision Picking" solution in more warehouses around the globe, establishing a new standard in order picking for the industry. The smart glasses provide visual displays of order picking instructions along with information on where items are located and where they need to be placed on a cart, freeing pickers' hands of paper instructions and allowing them to work more efficiently and comfortably. The international trials have shown an average improvement of productivity by 15 percent and higher accuracy rates. The user-friendly and intuitive solution has also halved onboarding and training times.


Why Diversity Programs Fail

Frank Dobbin and Alexandra Kalev, Why Diversity Programs FailHarvard Business Review, July-August 2016. (The winner of the HBR McKinsey Award for the best Harvard Business Review article of the year) 採訪稿


旭隼的不斷電系統 (UPS)

張義宮,飆股的故事/旭隼擁三多 坐穩中小 UPS 龍頭,經濟日報,2017-06-11
旭隼指出,旭隼產品擁有品質、設計及成本三大優勢,大陸業者願意擴大下單,一來可節省自家研發費用,二來可增加獲利,促使出貨大陸 UPS 品牌廠產品數量大幅成長,至於交貨大陸市場的 UPS 產品,種類頗多元,包括在線、離線式等產品。