
三星 (Samsung) 如何利用線上資訊以爭取蘋果公司 (Apple) 的顧客

根據 Fast Company 的報導,三星聘請 Networked Insights 分析線上資訊,以了解 iPhone 的缺點
"Using aggregated online posts and machine learning techniques, Samsung found several specific weak spots where they could outperform Apple. Customers specifically complained about the iPhone’s comparatively poor battery life, the inefficiencies of Apple Maps, how small the screen was, unhappiness with the Lightning cable, the lack of customization, Siri, and the iPhone’s fragility. Samsung felt that it could compete with Apple on most of these points--and, importantly, that they hard data to back up these consumer preferences.
When working with Networked Insights, a big part of Samsung’s strategy was to vacuum up any information on the iPhone 5 that was posted to social media. This meant using the dashboard they licensed to obtain every iPhone-related post on Tumblr, Twitter, Disqus (a popular commenting platform), WordPress, and YouTube, as well as new hits on Google. This information was then classified, as Neely put it, “15,000 different ways.” A big part of the problem for Samsung and others, Neely said, was the difference in extracting relevant information when they needed it versus finding erroneous information on other aspects of individual customers that were irrelevant to the task at hand. That meant a lot of data processing and fine-tuned analytics."


戴勝益:22K 元凶是菜英文


根據 Smart 智富月刊報導 (第 178 期,2013-06-01),戴董說: 

我因此得到一個結論,22K 的元凶就是我們不重視英文,不會講英文。為什麼這樣說?當年政府決定第二官方語言是台語,不是嗎?

現在公司內會講英文的廚師很少,我們正在培養 1 位廚師, 要讓他成為台灣第 3 位國際裁判。至於其他廚師,我們則鼓勵他們組團參加亞洲區廚藝大賽,因為出國比賽就得接觸英文,他們就有動力自己去學。出國參加廚藝賽的經費,公司會補助三分之二,剩下自己出。但是,學英文公司不會補助,因為學費要靠自己出,才會珍惜、努力,如果是公司出錢可能反而不會去上課。"