
AI Could Provide Moment-by-Moment Nursing for a Hospital’s Sickest Patients

Behnood Gholami, Wassim M. Haddad and James M. Bailey, AI Could Provide Moment-by-Moment Nursing for a Hospital’s Sickest Patients, IEEE Spectrum, 24 Sep 2018

At our company, Autonomous Healthcare, based in Hoboken, N.J., we’re designing and building some of the first AI systems for the ICU. These technologies are intended to provide vigilant and nuanced care, as if an expert were at the patient’s bedside every second, carefully calibrating treatment. Such systems could relieve the burden on the overtaxed staff in critical-care units. What’s more, if the technology helps patients get out of the ICU sooner, it could bring down the skyrocketing costs of health care. We’re focusing initially on hospitals in the United States, but our technology could be useful all around the world as populations age and the prevalence of chronic diseases grows. 
The benefits could be huge. In the United States, ICUs are among the most expensive components of the health care system. About 55,000 patients are cared for in an ICU every day, with the typical daily cost ranging from US $3,000 to $10,000. The cumulative cost is more than $80 billion per year.

Models Will Run the World

Steven A. Cohen and Matthew W. Granade, Models Will Run the World, Wall Street Journal, Aug. 19, 2018  
Tencent, the Chinese social-media giant and maker of WeChat , is one of our favorite examples of this new business model. A Tencent executive told us last fall: “We are the only company that has customer data across social media, payments, gaming, messaging, media, and music, and we have this information on [several hundred] million people. Our strategy is to put this data in the hands of several thousand data scientists, who can use it to make our products better and to better target advertising on our platform.” That unique data set powers a model factory that constantly improves user experience and increases profitability—attracting more users, further improving the models and profitability. That’s a model-driven business....

好好投資科技的 AI 深度學習演算系統




和碩技術長黃中于是和碩集團技術研發幕後推手,內部同仁暱稱「黃博」,他接受《數位時代》訪問指出,未來汽車將有四大趨勢,分別是:自駕車、新能源、通訊技術(如SOS智慧緊急求助Intelligent Emergency Call、道路救援Breakdown cover)及共乘。 


Efficient tuning of online systems using Bayesian optimization by Facebook

Ben Letham, Brian Karrer, Guilherme Ottoni, and Eytan Bakshy, Efficient tuning of online systems using Bayesian optimization, Facebook Research, September 17, 2018
A/B tests are often used as one-shot experiments for improving a product. In our paper Constrained Bayesian Optimization with Noisy Experiments, now in press at the journal Bayesian Analysis, we describe how we use an AI technique called Bayesian optimization to adaptively design rounds of A/B tests based on the results of prior tests. Compared to a grid search or manual tuning, Bayesian optimization allows us to jointly tune more parameters with fewer experiments and find better values. We have used these techniques for dozens of parameter tuning experiments across a range of backend systems, and have found that it is especially effective at tuning machine learning systems.... 
We have used the approach described in the paper to optimize a number of systems at Facebook, and describe two such optimizations in the paper. The first was to optimize 6 parameters of one of Facebook’s ranking systems. These particular parameters were involved in the indexer, which aggregates content to be sent to the prediction models. The second example was to optimize 7 numeric compiler flags for HHVM. The goal of this optimization was to reduce CPU usage on the web servers, with a constraint on not increasing peak memory usage. 





北醫團隊用 AI 把關問題處方箋





Modeling the impact of AI on the world economy

Jacques Bughin, Jeongmin Seong, James Manyika, Michael Chui, and Raoul Joshi, Notes from the frontier: Modeling the impact of AI on the world economy, McKinsey Global Institute, September 2018.
Several barriers might hinder rapid adoption and absorption (see video, “A minute with the McKinsey Global Institute: Challenges of adopting automation technology”). For instance, late adopters might find it difficult to generate impact from AI, because front-runners have already captured AI opportunities and late adopters lag in developing capabilities and attracting talent. 
Nevertheless, at the global average level of adoption and absorption implied by our simulation, AI has the potential to deliver additional global economic activity of around $13 trillion by 2030, or about 16 percent higher cumulative GDP compared with today. This amounts to 1.2 percent additional GDP growth per year. If delivered, this impact would compare well with that of other general-purpose technologies through history.







 Michael Chui, Nicolaus Henke, and Mehdi Miremadi, Most of AI's Business Uses Will Be in Two Areas, HBR, JULY 20, 2018 (from McKinsey (麥肯錫公司))
傳統上,對企業提供最多價值的業務領域,往往是人工智慧能產生最大影響的領域。舉例來說,零售組織中,行銷和銷售經常提供重大的價值。我們的研究顯示,在顧客資料上使用人工智慧,將促銷活動個人化,單是實體零售商店的新增銷售(incremental sales)就會增加1%到2%。相較之下,在先進製造方面,營運活動往往產生最多的價值。這方面,人工智慧能夠協助根據需求背後的因果驅動因素,來做出預測,而不是根之前的結果來預測,因而改善預測準確度達10%到20%。這可能會使得存貨成本降低5%,營收提高2%到3%。