
Efficient tuning of online systems using Bayesian optimization by Facebook

Ben Letham, Brian Karrer, Guilherme Ottoni, and Eytan Bakshy, Efficient tuning of online systems using Bayesian optimization, Facebook Research, September 17, 2018
A/B tests are often used as one-shot experiments for improving a product. In our paper Constrained Bayesian Optimization with Noisy Experiments, now in press at the journal Bayesian Analysis, we describe how we use an AI technique called Bayesian optimization to adaptively design rounds of A/B tests based on the results of prior tests. Compared to a grid search or manual tuning, Bayesian optimization allows us to jointly tune more parameters with fewer experiments and find better values. We have used these techniques for dozens of parameter tuning experiments across a range of backend systems, and have found that it is especially effective at tuning machine learning systems.... 
We have used the approach described in the paper to optimize a number of systems at Facebook, and describe two such optimizations in the paper. The first was to optimize 6 parameters of one of Facebook’s ranking systems. These particular parameters were involved in the indexer, which aggregates content to be sent to the prediction models. The second example was to optimize 7 numeric compiler flags for HHVM. The goal of this optimization was to reduce CPU usage on the web servers, with a constraint on not increasing peak memory usage. 

