


在ChatGPT 帶出的 AI 熱潮,文組也能參與?今年2月,台大文學院首度攜手電機系李宏毅教授,開設一門生成式 AI 導論課,吸引破千位學生申請加簽,甚至最後有超過200位文學院學生加簽,開啟文學院 AI 跨域學習的新篇章。

 李宏毅生成式人工智慧導論,2024 (影片,課程投影片,YouTube

Science FridayOpenAI’s New Product Makes Incredibly Realistic Fake Videos, 2024/2/27

But the fidelity of the videos prompted a polarizing response on social media. Some marveled at how far the technology had come while others expressed alarm at the unintended consequences of releasing such a powerful product to the public—especially during an election year.

Rachel Tobac, an ethical hacker and CEO of SocialProof Security, joins guest host Sophie Bushwick to talk about Sora and what it could mean for the rest of us.

Michael Chui, Eric Hazan, Roger Roberts, Alex Singla, Kate Smaje, Alex Sukharevsky, Lareina Yee, and Rodney Zemmel, The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier, McKinsey & Company, June 2023. (Talk)

Some books and information on machine learning and AI

