
Why Computers are the Papers of the Future


Paper have been around for hundreds of years, and is important to a variety of daily task. However, paper is easy to break and tear apart, and is easy to lose whatever information may be on the paper, whether it is a note to yourself or an assignment for school. 

When you write out ideas on a piece of paper, there will only be a copy, and if you were to lose it, the information will be lost forever, however, with today’s cloud technology, the piece of work will likely never disappear, and you will always be able to access it from anywhere.

Paper, is also very heavy when compared to the amount of data that can be stored on a hard drive, or even the non-existent weight of cloud storage. For example if one wanted to bring books to read on a trip, it would be much lighter if the person brought an eReader, such as a kindle, which is lighter than the weight of the actual books.

It has also been proven that tablets and computers are better for assignment, as many schools in the United States had been started using ipads and surfaces instead of sheets of paper. A teacher even said that “It is so much easier to keep track of assignment.” Students have also reported that using surfaces is a more superior way to paper in terms of drawing, as modern drawing application such as Microsoft’s fresh paint software, allows for realistic drawing, as if on paper. Students also stated that writing on a tablet using a stylus was like writing on paper, but smoother. Also, tablets in education is also more eco–friendly, as the reusability of a tablet is much greater than those of a piece of paper. Tablets also allow students to organize their work more easily than using paper, where paper is crumbled up easily, and is often lost, while with computers and cloud storage, the information will be unlikely to be gone.

Even though paper has been proven helpful, it is beginning to be taken over by computers, which allow for more precise way to write down information. This does not mean that paper has completely loose its use, it is just that computers are better than paper at some aspects, such as in education and other purposes where computers allow for easier organization and better usability. 

