做迴歸的時候,一般使用平方誤差;可以利用微積分,求得解析解 (*)。
不知道為什麼,常給自己出難題,一定要用 Gurobi 求解一下。在 Spyder 下,明明訓練的資料大小是對的,總是出現索引錯誤。看了好幾個小時,還是找不到原因。昨天擔任口委前,還和朋友教授,花了一個小時找蟲。今天又花了一二個小時,甚至改資料集、資料格式、亂數產生器,都沒有用。今晚 11 點,在我已經快累垮之前,嘗試最後一次。在做標準化之前,將 pandas的資料,轉成 NumPy,再做後續的所有處理,總算成功。
(*) I posted the message on Facebook. One comment by my friend:
Lance Wu:
not quiet, the square is related to variance which is tied to stat inference . the absolute distance is difficult in terms of Stat distribution.
Thanks a lot! I am not familiar with statistics. Do you mean that we could get the estimated covariance matrix under least squares, and so on?BTW, the l1-norm approach is popular in data science. It turns out that the famous Lasso is related to robustness which is important in the real environment.