
Making Better Fulfillment Decisions on the Fly in an Online Retail Environment

Jason Acimovic and Stephen C. Graves, Making Better Fulfillment Decisions on the Fly in an Online Retail Environment, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Volume 17, Issue 1, Winter 2015. (2017 M&SOM Best Paper Award)
We develop a heuristic that makes fulfillment decisions by minimizing the immediate outbound shipping cost plus an estimate of future expected outbound shipping costs (*). These estimates are derived from the dual values of a transportation linear program (LP). In our experiments on industry data, we capture 36% of the opportunity gap assuming clairvoyance, leading to reductions in outbound shipping costs on the order of 1%. These cost savings are achieved without any deterioration in customer service levels or any increase in holding costs.


Chip Placement with Deep Reinforcement Learning

Azalia Mirhoseini, et al., Chip Placement with Deep Reinforcement Learning, arXiv:2004.10746.
In this work, we present a learning-based approach to chip placement, one of the most complex and time-consuming stages of the chip design process. Unlike prior methods, our approach has the ability to learn from past experience and improve over time. In particular, as we train over a greater number of chip blocks, our method becomes better at rapidly generating optimized placements for previously unseen chip blocks. To achieve these results, we pose placement as a Reinforcement Learning (RL) problem and train an agent to place the nodes of a chip netlist onto a chip canvas. To enable our RL policy to generalize to unseen blocks, we ground representation learning in the supervised task of predicting placement quality. By designing a neural architecture that can accurately predict reward across a wide variety of netlists and their placements, we are able to generate rich feature embeddings of the input netlists. We then use this architecture as the encoder of our policy and value networks to enable transfer learning. Our objective is to minimize PPA (power, performance, and area), and we show that, in under 6 hours, our method can generate placements that are superhuman or comparable on modern accelerator netlists, whereas existing baselines require human experts in the loop and take several weeks.



COS116: The Computational Universe

Sanjeev Arora, Computer Science 116 The Computational Universe, Princeton University, 2006.

幾年前,我教資管系一下的網際網路應用。心想計算機概論已經教通訊軟體的操作,所以網際網路應用改教重要的概念,取材來自幾本書,並簡化內容,例如資訊經營法則Networked LifeMining of Massive Datasets。當時有許多學生棄選,不知道是不是英文字 (部分有中譯) 太多?還是概念比較抽象?方程式太多? 

Prof. Arora 這門課的授課對象是任何學系的學生,可以視為台灣的通識教育。最近使用 Amazon Kindle (電子書閱讀器) 閱讀其講義,發現講得更生活化,例如以圖書館員取書的例子,說明計算機結構中快取 (cache) 的概念。再一次呼應了我之前的說法,世界級的研究型大學,教學也是令人驚艷。









