Cade Metz, Genius Makers: The Mavericks Who Brought AI to Google, Facebook, and the World, Dutton, 2021.
王曉伯譯,AI製造商沒說的祕密: 企業巨頭的搶才大戰如何改寫我們的世界?,時報文化,2022
Cade Metz, Genius Makers: The Mavericks Who Brought AI to Google, Facebook, and the World, Dutton, 2021.
王曉伯譯,AI製造商沒說的祕密: 企業巨頭的搶才大戰如何改寫我們的世界?,時報文化,2022
工業與系統工程學系隸屬於電機資訊學院,所以系上同學們都要修習電路學和電子學相關的課程。在電機系,這些是非常重要的基礎知識;而且,從 IC 設計、晶圓代工、到封裝測試,台灣有許多世界級的領導廠商,所以,值得同學們好好地學習相關的知識。更多資訊。
Kenji Hiranabe, Graphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone"
I tried intuitive visualizations of important concepts introduced in "Linear Algebra for Everyone".
Kaufmann, E., Bauersfeld, L., Loquercio, A. et al. Champion-level drone racing using deep reinforcement learning. Nature 620, 982–987 (2023).
First-person view (FPV) drone racing is a televised sport in which professional competitors pilot high-speed aircraft through a 3D circuit. Each pilot sees the environment from the perspective of their drone by means of video streamed from an onboard camera. Reaching the level of professional pilots with an autonomous drone is challenging because the robot needs to fly at its physical limits while estimating its speed and location in the circuit exclusively from onboard sensors. Here we introduce Swift, an autonomous system that can race physical vehicles at the level of the human world champions. The system combines deep reinforcement learning (RL) in simulation with data collected in the physical world. Swift competed against three human champions, including the world champions of two international leagues, in real-world head-to-head races. Swift won several races against each of the human champions and demonstrated the fastest recorded race time. This work represents a milestone for mobile robotics and machine intelligence, which may inspire the deployment of hybrid learning-based solutions in other physical systems.