優秀作品 (內容和投影片製作)
- 王喬誼、潘幸慈、許雅婷:Trading Strategy in the book Python for finance by Yves Hilpisch (pdf,2023 春作業研究 (下)。將一般的方法移到後面。只報告複雜的方法,以便在八分鐘內完成)
- 洪棣軒、陳禹銓、王昱翔:Lin Hui, Kuei Min Wang, Yung-Hui Chen, and Fu-Yi Hung, Simulation analysis of the search effectiveness on information-based firefighting, Int. J. Social and Humanistic Computing, Vol.3, no.1, pp20-33, 2018. (pdf,2023 春作業研究 (下))
- 陳宥蓁、廖庭煜、顏羽軒:Genetic Algorithm To Optimize Machine Learning Hyperparameters (pdf,2023 春作業研究 (下))
- 黃薏宸、苗書慈、徐期軒:Hui Guo, Zhaoyong Mao, Wenjun Ding, and Peiliang Liu, Optimal search path planning for unmanned surface vehicle based on an improved genetic algorithm, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Volume 79, 2019, 106467. (pdf,2023 春作業研究 (下))
- 梁芷盈、何宜謙、劉紫歆:Huashuai Qu, Ilya O. Ryzhov, and Michael C. Fu, Eric Bergerson Megan, and Kurka Ludek Kopacek, Learning Demand Curves in B2B Pricing: A New Framework and Case Study, Production and Operations Management, Volume 29, Issue 5, May 2020, Pages: 1287-1306. (pdf,2023 春作業研究 (下))
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