在畢業門檻的 15 門課裡,扣除 10 門材料系上的課程之外,學生還必須要再跨系選修 5 門課。在學長的強烈建議下,他修了「CS106A 程式設計方法論」(Programming methodology),當時這門課的修課條件僅標註著「會開機就行」,讓原本對程式語言信心全失的 Jerry 決定再給自己一次機會。想不到這門課,也讓他對自己的職涯靈感「正式開機」!
在畢業門檻的 15 門課裡,扣除 10 門材料系上的課程之外,學生還必須要再跨系選修 5 門課。在學長的強烈建議下,他修了「CS106A 程式設計方法論」(Programming methodology),當時這門課的修課條件僅標註著「會開機就行」,讓原本對程式語言信心全失的 Jerry 決定再給自己一次機會。想不到這門課,也讓他對自己的職涯靈感「正式開機」!
Tim Harford, How frustration can make us more creative, TED, 2016/2/3. (8:20 處的策略,類似強化學習的探索 (exploration))
W.B. Powell, A unified framework for stochastic optimization, European Journal of Operational Research, 2019, Volume 275, Issue 3, 16 June 2019, Pages 795-821. (pdf)
Stochastic optimization is an umbrella term that includes over a dozen fragmented communities, using a patchwork of sometimes overlapping notational systems with algorithmic strategies that are suited to specific classes of problems. This paper reviews the canonical models of these communities, and proposes a universal modeling framework that encompasses all of these competing approaches. At the heart is an objective function that optimizes over policies that is standard in some approaches, but foreign to others. We then identify four meta-classes of policies that encompasses all of the approaches that we have identified in the research literature or industry practice. In the process, we observe that any adaptive learning algorithm, whether it is derivative-based or derivative-free, is a form of policy that can be tuned to optimize either the cumulative reward (similar to multi-armed bandit problems) or final reward (as is used in ranking and selection or stochastic search). We argue that the principles of bandit problems, long a niche community, should become a core dimension of mainstream stochastic optimization.
歐萊德是台灣企業中,很早就喊出在一定時間內,承諾達成百分之百再生能源的企業;過去幾年,他們不僅研發出百分之百再生塑膠材料(PCR,Post-Consumer Recycled)製成的洗髮精瓶身、全球第一支再生壓頭,2020年全品項也達成碳中和成果。...
Prof. Sridhar Tayur, Dr. Davide Venturelli, and David Bernal, 47-779 Quantum Integer Programming (QuIP), Fall 2020. (lecture note)
This course is primarily designed for graduate students (and advanced undergraduates) across CMU campuses interested in integer programming (with non-linear objective functions) and the potential of near-term quantum computing for solving combinatorial optimization problems. By the end of the semester, someone enrolled in this course should be able to:
- Identify the current status of quantum computing and its potential uses for integer programming
- Access and use quantum computing resources (such as DWave Quantum Annealers)
- Set up a given integer program to be solved with quantum computing
- Work in groups collaboratively on a state-of-the-art project regarding applications of quantum computing and integer programming
法務部這套語音辨識系統背後使用AI Labs的雅婷逐字稿語音辨識技術,只用了大量了會議錄音檔來訓練,而為了讓系統能夠辨識專業的司法用語,還搭配司法用語詞彙,供業者不斷調校AI模型,目前可以進行純國語的辨識,辨識率也達到法務部設定目標。