


Fred P. Hochberg, Trade Is Not a Four-Letter Word: How Six Everyday Products Explain Global Trade—And Destroy the America First Myth, Avid Reader Press, 2020.



















 (*) pdf.



徐宏民,產品化物件偵測技術 (一),電子時報,2021-04-07

幾十年來電腦視覺研究試著在這關鍵的物件偵測技術上帶來突破。可以想像一下,電腦如何在由一堆影像畫素值中標定可能的物件?框列出可能位置,再逐一判斷是否有物件存在,是工程上「較容易」實現的方式。一般而言有三個主要步驟:候選區域(region proposal)計算、物件分類、以及後處理。 







Machine Learning Faces a Reckoning in Health Research

Megan Scudellari, Machine Learning Faces a Reckoning in Health Research, IEEE Spectrum, 29 Mar 2021.

In a paper describing her team’s analysis of 511 other papers, Ghassemi’s team reported that machine learning papers in healthcare were reproducible far less often than in other machine learning subfields. The group’s findings were published this week in the journal Science Translational Medicine. And in a systematic review published in Nature Machine Intelligence, 85 percent of studies using machine learning to detect COVID-19 in chest scans failed a reproducibility and quality check, and none of the models was near ready for use in clinics, the authors say.

“We were surprised at how far the models are from being ready for deployment,” says Derek Driggs, co-author of the paper from the lab of Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb at the University of Cambridge. “There were many flaws that should not have existed.”


liquefied natural gas (LNG) portfolio optimization

Alessandro Agosta, Dumitru Dediu, Timo Leenman, and Marijn van Diessen, LNG portfolio optimization: Putting the business model to the test, McKinsey, April 12, 2021.

The analysis indicates that in third quarter 2020, traditional marketers saw a 47 percent decline in realized prices compared with third quarter 2019, whereas the portfolio optimizers saw a 31 percent decline in realized prices over the same period (Exhibit 3). Although there are some obvious short­comings in this comparison—for example, the declines could be due to different geographic presences or a time lag on indexation—the findings do suggest that in the gas industry, portfolio opti­mizers were less affected by the recent downturn.


(高中) 數學與資訊工程

馬來西亞的學校提案,準備今年 5 月,開授相關線上演講,以便吸引高中生就讀資訊相關科系。去年12月中開校內協調會的時候,學校長官指派我,負責「數學與資訊工程 」。 月底到了,忙著提科技部計畫和撰寫研究的程式,但是,各種點子不斷地進入我的腦袋裡,只好趕緊把它寫下來,不然半夜進入我的夢鄉,擾人清夢。花了兩天,寫下初稿;最近又多次修正,前後花了不下 20 小時,決定提前定稿 ,以便改作其他教學和研究事務。

後來想一想, 既然這是一個有意義的工作,就準備把他錄成影片,並上傳 YouTube,以幫助有需要的年輕人。追求新知並傳授給學生,一直是我當老師快樂的泉源。

歡迎指正和提供寶貴意見。(pdf in 1) (pdf in 4,如果需要列印, 請雙面列印此版本,環保救地球)

初稿 2021/1/15。


Domino's Pizza launched a pilot program with autonomous vehicle provider Nuro

Inside AI, 2021/4/14

Domino's Pizza launched a pilot program with autonomous vehicle provider Nuro and will begin deliveries in Houston this week. The deliveries will be made using Nuro's R2 robots, the first fully autonomous on-road delivery vehicle (without a human safety driver) that's received permission to operate in the U.S.


Dataflow-as-a-Service of SambaNova

Inside AI, 2021/4/14

SambaNova, a developer of AI hardware and software systems, raised $676M in financing that values the startup at over $5.1B. The Nvidia competitor makes chips for AI processes, which it uses to build servers and AI software that it leases to other businesses.


Charting a business course for reinforcement learning

Jacomo Corbo, Oliver Fleming, and Nicolas Hohn, It’s time for businesses to chart a course for reinforcement learning, McKinsey, April 1, 2021.
Broadly speaking, we see reinforcement learning delivering this value across the business, with potential applications in every business domain and industry (Exhibit 2). Some of the near-term applications for reinforcement learning fall into three categories: speeding design and product development, optimizing complex operations, and guiding customer interactions.

 Exhibit 2 some applications.

To be sure, implementing reinforcement learning is a challenging technical pursuit. A successful reinforcement learning system today requires, in simple terms, three ingredients:

  1. A well-designed learning algorithm with a reward function. 
  2. A learning environment.  
  3. Compute power. 

Computing power is better than compute power. 


Feedback Control in Programmatic Advertising

N. Karlsson, Feedback Control in Programmatic Advertising: The Frontier of Optimization in Real-Time BiddingIEEE Control Systems Magazine, vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 40-77, Oct. 2020.

Feedback control is critical in the scalable optimization of Internet advertising, and it is, therefore, an enabling technology. However, it is challenging to model the plant and design the controller because the plant is nonlinear, time varying, stochastic, and poorly known. A closed-loop system model easily becomes unrealistic or extremely complicated and intractable to analyze.


歡迎光臨人類學 (Invitation to Anthropology)


Luke Eric Lassiter, Invitation to Anthropology, 3rd edition, AltaMira Press, 2009.




How we use AutoML, Multi-task learning and Multi-tower models for Pinterest Ads

Ernest Wang, How we use AutoML, Multi-task learning and Multi-tower models for Pinterest Ads, Aug 20, 2020.

People come to Pinterest in an exploration mindset, often engaging with ads the same way they do with organic Pins. Within ads our mission is to help Pinners go from inspiration to action by introducing them to the compelling products and services that advertisers have to offer. A core component of the ads marketplace is predicting engagement of Pinners based on the ads we show them. In addition to click prediction, we look at how likely a user is to save or hide an ad. We make these predictions for different types of ad formats (image, video, carousel) and in context of the user (e.g., browsing the home feed, performing a search, or looking at a specific Pin.)



洪友芳,劉德音:產能短缺有3原因 跟集中台灣生產無關,自由時報,2021/03/30
