
科技部半導體射月計畫 109 年度產學技術交流

 科技部半導體射月計畫 109 年度產學技術交流

  • Boris Murmann, tinyML: The Perfect Storm for Innovation in Ultra-Low-Power System Design 
  • 梁伯嵩,IC 運算平台趨勢: 數位運算、人工智慧與量子運算
  • Tetsu Ohtou, Semiconductor Process and Equipment Technology for Advanced Logic Devices 
  • 陳俊雄,汽車產業及感測元件發展趨勢



孟買春秋,疫情中從海外看台灣,思想坦克,2021 年 9 月 24 日




Eiji Doi 著,歐凱寧譯,一流的人讀書,都在哪裡畫線?:菁英閱讀的深思考技術,天下雜誌,2021



Unbiased Gradient Estimation in Unrolled Computation Graphs with Persistent Evolution Strategies

Paul Vicol, Luke Metz, and Jascha Sohl-Dickstein, Unbiased Gradient Estimation in Unrolled Computation Graphs with Persistent Evolution Strategies, ICML 2021. (paperOutstanding Paper Awards)

Unrolled computation graphs arise in many scenarios, including training RNNs, tuning hyperparameters through unrolled optimization, and training learned optimizers. Current approaches to optimizing parameters in such computation graphs suffer from high variance gradients, bias, slow updates, or large memory usage. We introduce a method called Persistent Evolution Strategies (PES), which divides the computation graph into a series of truncated unrolls, and performs an evolution strategies-based update step after each unroll. PES eliminates bias from these truncations by accumulating correction terms over the entire sequence of unrolls. PES allows for rapid parameter updates, has low memory usage, is unbiased, and has reasonable variance characteristics. We experimentally demonstrate the advantages of PES compared to several other methods for gradient estimation on synthetic tasks, and show its applicability to training learned optimizers and tuning hyperparameters.







Strait of Emergency?

Rachel Esplin Odell and Eric Heginbotham; Bonny Lin and David Sacks; Kharis Templeman; Oriana Skylar Mastro, Strait of Emergency? Debating Beijing’s Threat to Taiwan, Foreign Affairs, September/October 2021. (輸入電郵,可以收到全文連結)

Global Taiwan Watch (全球台灣觀察),美國智庫激辯中國侵台論,FB


A high-bias, low-variance introduction to Machine Learning for physicists

Pankaj Mehta, Marin Bukov, Ching-Hao Wang, Alexandre G.R. Day, Clint Richardson, Charles K. Fisher, David J. Schwab, A high-bias, low-variance introduction to Machine Learning for physicistsPhyics Reports, 810 (2019) 1-124. (Python, Github)

Machine Learning (ML) is one of the most exciting and dynamic areas of modern research and application. The purpose of this review is to provide an introduction to the core concepts and tools of machine learning in a manner easily understood and intuitive to physicists. The review begins by covering fundamental concepts in ML and modern statistics such as the bias-variance tradeoff, overfitting, regularization, generalization, and gradient descent before moving on to more advanced topics in both supervised and unsupervised learning. Topics covered in the review include ensemble models, deep learning and neural networks, clustering and data visualization, energy-based models (including MaxEnt models and Restricted Boltzmann Machines), and variational methods. Throughout, we emphasize the many natural connections between ML and statistical physics. A notable aspect of the review is the use of Python Jupyter notebooks to introduce modern ML/statistical packages to readers using physics-inspired datasets (the Ising Model and Monte-Carlo simulations of supersymmetric decays of proton-proton collisions). We conclude with an extended outlook discussing possible uses of machine learning for furthering our understanding of the physical world as well as open problems in ML where physicists may be able to contribute.


momo 訂單不延遲心法是什麼

陳宜伶momo 訂單不延遲心法是什麼?谷元宏獨家解析疫情下電商必勝策略buzzorange2021-09-01


谷元宏表示,沒有人能料到疫情,是因為 momo 已先洞察到電商未來兩到三年的大趨勢,所以有預先佈局衛星倉,把最常搶購一空的貨事先備齊。「你會希望消費者上來都是找得到貨的,更要思考有這麼多貨,該怎麼把貨送給客人?」


所以 momo 率先想到的是,「該怎麼解決同一時間蜂擁而來的量,這些量一定要分散,所以我們整個物流的布局就以分散式布局為主。」