2013-4-22 自由時報
法院形式審查 裁定有效
免除債務 需提民事告訴
訴訟救助 准免繳裁判費
在美國念書時,房子租約可是厚厚的一本,有的將近 100 張;不僅可以練習英文,也養成閱讀文件的習慣。
社會的陷阱真不少,所以才常常告訴同學,要多一點修法律課程 (註 1) 或每天看一下社會新聞 (註 2)。打工或找工作時,可以先上網搜尋『求職陷阱』。租房子、求職簽約時,要仔細地把合約讀清楚。遇到問題時,要尋求正確的管道處理,例如勞資糾紛的縣市勞工局、或財團法人法律扶助基金會。
(註 1) 例如民法。商事法本來是系上必修,改成選修後,似乎就沒有再開過課。
(註 2) google 按新聞 / 社會
文章 (*) 說明三星如何融合日本和西方的管理系統,成為世界一流的公司。
第二個要點則是人才的培育。對外而言,透過直屬於 CEO 的 Global Strategy Group,吸引並留用非韓國籍的頂尖企管 (MBA) 人才,經過兩年的訓練才任職;1997 年到 2010 年共 208 位,目前依然有 135 位在三星工作。
對內而言,過去 20 年之間,每年挑選 200 位有潛力的年青員工,經過 12 週密集的語言訓練,然後外派國外一年。前半年唯一的工作就是瞭解當地的文化和語言,並且結交朋友;後半年則是自行選擇完成一個計畫。另外,在董事長的主導下,三星電子每一年送 15 人出國,為期 1 到 3 年不等,到國外學習最尖端的設計。
後記:今周刊 (848 期,2013/3/21) 報導三星的另外一個面向
恐懼管理》副總級 1 年 1 聘,1 年開除一半高階主管的「閃電換腦」
一位三星員工的第一手告白宗教般洗腦 軍隊化管理 防員工洩密如防賊
(*) T. Khanna, J. Song, and K. Lee, The Paradox of Samsung's Rise, Harvard Business Review, July-August 2011, pp. 142-147.
文章 (*) 說明三星如何融合日本和西方的管理系統,成為世界一流的公司。
第二個要點則是人才的培育。對外而言,透過直屬於 CEO 的 Global Strategy Group,吸引並留用非韓國籍的頂尖企管 (MBA) 人才,經過兩年的訓練才任職;1997 年到 2010 年共 208 位,目前依然有 135 位在三星工作。
對內而言,過去 20 年之間,每年挑選 200 位有潛力的年青員工,經過 12 週密集的語言訓練,然後外派國外一年。前半年唯一的工作就是瞭解當地的文化和語言,並且結交朋友;後半年則是自行選擇完成一個計畫。另外,在董事長的主導下,三星電子每一年送 15 人出國,為期 1 到 3 年不等,到國外學習最尖端的設計。
後記:今周刊 (848 期,2013/3/21) 報導三星的另外一個面向
恐懼管理》副總級 1 年 1 聘,1 年開除一半高階主管的「閃電換腦」
一位三星員工的第一手告白宗教般洗腦 軍隊化管理 防員工洩密如防賊
(*) T. Khanna, J. Song, and K. Lee, The Paradox of Samsung's Rise, Harvard Business Review, July-August 2011, pp. 142-147.
記憶傳授人 (The Giver) 的結語
小六語文與藝術 (language and art) 課程的期中考,老師要求兒子的班級針對書籍記憶傳授人 (The Giver) 寫出作者未言明的結語。原始題目如下
An epilogue is a piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or drama, usually used to bring closure to the work. It is like a final chapter at the end of a story that often serves to reveal the fates of the characters. You are in charge of writing an epilogue for The Giver.
It is difficult to say what happens at the end of the novel. Lois Lowry deliberately makes the end ambiguous, or uncertain, so that readers can decide for themselves. What do you think happens? Does Jonas really hear music, or is it a dream? Think back: does Jonas ever receive the memory of music from The Giver? If not, could he have heard music in a dream? Perhaps Jonas and Gabriel die on the way down the hill. Or do they live and stay in the new community? Or do they return to the old community? Do the people in the community change? These are just some of the questions you can think about with regard to the novel's conclusion.
Pretend that you are the author of The Giver, and that the publisher has told you that the last chapter is fine but that he still wants and epilogue. Decide what you would like to have happen. Write a one page epilogue and be prepared to read it to the class.
小六語文與藝術 (language and art) 課程的期中考,老師要求兒子的班級針對書籍記憶傳授人 (The Giver) 寫出作者未言明的結語。原始題目如下
An epilogue is a piece of writing at the end of a work of literature or drama, usually used to bring closure to the work. It is like a final chapter at the end of a story that often serves to reveal the fates of the characters. You are in charge of writing an epilogue for The Giver.
It is difficult to say what happens at the end of the novel. Lois Lowry deliberately makes the end ambiguous, or uncertain, so that readers can decide for themselves. What do you think happens? Does Jonas really hear music, or is it a dream? Think back: does Jonas ever receive the memory of music from The Giver? If not, could he have heard music in a dream? Perhaps Jonas and Gabriel die on the way down the hill. Or do they live and stay in the new community? Or do they return to the old community? Do the people in the community change? These are just some of the questions you can think about with regard to the novel's conclusion.
Pretend that you are the author of The Giver, and that the publisher has told you that the last chapter is fine but that he still wants and epilogue. Decide what you would like to have happen. Write a one page epilogue and be prepared to read it to the class.
農作物保險公司 The Climate Corporation
共同創辦人 David Friedberg 的演講說明其創業的過程。
首先是分析大資料 (big data) (註 1):
首先是分析大資料 (big data) (註 1):
Here’s how much data Friedberg and his team of 21 Ph.Ds. have and how they analyze it:
• About 200TB of historical data stored in Amazon S3.
• Monthly predictive simulations and daily forecasts for each location it insures.
• Each simulation:
- Uses between 4,000 and 5,000 computing cores on Amazon Elastic MapReduce.
- Considers 10,000 scenarios for each of the next 730 days.-- Analyzes 5 trillion data points.
- Consumes 20TB of uncompressed data.
• Data volumes have grown about 15x since last year.
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