
Mayo Clinic 急診室的人員配置

Mustafa Y. Sir, et al., Optimization of Multidisciplinary Staffing Improves Patient Experiences at the Mayo Clinic, Interfaces, 2017, 47(5), pp. 425–441.

  • System-level variables: (1) Minimum no. of providers during LOS of the patient, (2) Average no. of providers during LOS of the patient, (3) Maximum no. of providers during LOS of the patient, (4) Arrival hour, (5) Arrival day of week
  • Patient: ED billing code for the patient (higher ED level, higher complexity)
  • Characteristics: (1) Emergency severity index level of the patient, (2) Pediatric or adult
利用 CART (classification and regression trees) 分析影響病人停留時間 (Length of stay, LOS) 的主因,結果顯示


上線的結果顯示,雖然比前二年同期 (每期半年的資料) 增加 6% 的病患,但是,停留、到達到看診、到達到病床時間的中位數 (median length of stay, door-to-provider time, and door-to-bed time) 分別降低 11、2.7、和 3 分鐘。

