
蓋茨基金會 (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) 2013 年度報告

測量進展 (Measuring Progress) 

有人說,大家喜歡史蒂夫·賈伯斯 (Steve Jobs) (遠?) 甚過比爾·蓋茨 (Bill Gates)。因為蓋茨基金會,50 年後大家可能比較懷念比爾·蓋茨。

The Millennium Development Goals, agreed to by all countries and leading development institutions in 2000, have helped the world make substantial progress to improve the lives of its poorest people.

As a result of VillageReach's work:
1 The monthly incidence of stockouts in rural health centers: down from 80 percent to 1 percent.
2 The amount of time the cold chain is working: up from 40 percent to 96 percent.
3 The percentage of children receiving basic vaccines: up from 69 percent to 95 percent.

A combination of vaccines, malaria prevention, and improved newborn health care has helped reduce child mortality globally since 1990—progress that brings the world closer to achieving one of the eight Millennium Development Goals.

Ethiopia’s effort on health has lowered child mortality over 60 percent since 1990, putting the country on track to achieve this important MDG target by 2015 and giving many parents the confidence to name children the day they are born.

The number of polio cases dropped by 99 percent from 1988 to 2000, from 350,000 cases to less than 1,000, yet it’s challenging to eradicate the virus. India is a good sign: Once home to the majority of polio cases in the world, the country has been polio-free since 2011, thanks to innovative approaches to eradication.
The insecurity in Pakistan and Afghanistan represents another challenge for the campaign. In December nine polio vaccinators in Pakistan were murdered.

Since 2000, HIV drug prices have fallen by more than 99 percent, while the number of people on treatment has risen dramatically to approximately eight million.
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