If you are interested in operations research, machine learning, data science, and its real-world applications (in supply chain, business, smart manufacturing, etc.), please email me your resume and transcript to schedule a meeting or online chat. Please refer to this blog for more details about your resume. (Guides for students, paper presentation in the group meeting)
Guides for students in Business Analytics Laboratory (商業分析實驗室學生指引)
Knowledge to master for a better foundation (and future)
Tools and general:
- 李琳山老師,碩博士生應該要知道的事情 (YouTube)
上課內容 (Teaching)
- The best way to contact me (email): chhsu135 AT gmail DOT com (主旨
: 修課名稱和班級, 學號, 姓名)
- 辦公室 (My office):(工業系館) 莊敬大樓 (Building no. 23 for ISE) 201-3,電話 (phone) 03 265 4427。辦公室時間,三 4:10 - 5:50 pm,四 3:10 - 4 pm (歡迎使用 Microsoft team)。導生 (分組登記)。FB。
- Please use the school's MS team account for online sessions.
- Login Account: 學號@o365st.cycu.edu.tw, student_ID@o365st.cycu.edu.tw
- Please use browser-based login instead of the application program to avoid login problems.
- Login Account: 學號@o365st.cycu.edu.tw, student_ID@o365st.cycu.edu.tw
- Please use browser-based login instead of the application program to avoid login problems.
- 2024 秋 (Fall)
- Please be considerate/polite, and show up only during the office hours of a course. The students in the lab need quiet time for their studies and research.
- Email:
- If you have further questions, please ask the TA. (cc (副本) teacher: chhsu135 at Gmail)
- TA will handle your questions or concerns.
- TA will discuss with me if she/he cannot resolve the issues.
- Please be considerate/polite, and show up only during the office hours of a course. The students in the lab need quiet time for their studies and research.
- Email:
- If you have further questions, please ask the TA. (cc (副本) teacher: chhsu135 at Gmail)
- TA will handle your questions or concerns.
- TA will discuss with me if she/he cannot resolve the issues.
- 作業研究 (上),工業三丙
- 機器學習,工業三
- 書報討論 (Seminar),碩博班 (graduate students)
- 助教朱品穎 (Pollie) (email: a0973634180 at gmail)
- Some information and papers related to the seminar
- 課程組員互評表 (Evaluation form for team members)
- Deadline: the day for the last class meeting time
- Default: If no one answers, everyone will get the same score for project participation. If only 1 person fills in the form, we will use that as the group score for project participation.
- 作業研究 (上),工業三丙
- 機器學習,工業三
- 書報討論 (Seminar),碩博班 (graduate students)
- 助教朱品穎 (Pollie) (email: a0973634180 at gmail)
- Some information and papers related to the seminar
- Deadline: the day for the last class meeting time
- Default: If no one answers, everyone will get the same score for project participation. If only 1 person fills in the form, we will use that as the group score for project participation.
服務和計畫 (Service and projects)
產學合作 (Industry-Academia Cooperation)
- 金屬工業研究發展中心 (Metal Industries Research & Development Centre),最佳化決策於工站排程應用之研究 (Optimal decision-making in work station scheduling) (3),主持人 (PI),2024
翻轉教室 (Flipped classroom)
- 上課前看完影片,做筆記,總結重點。看一下相關的習題,想一下在哪一節,如何做?
- 只寫標題不是總結重點,例如報童模型、隨機過程、決策準則、轉移機率。
- 好的例子
- 空間分佈等候線:服務時間不是指數函數分配,且有上下限。
- 動態規劃:由終點往起點計算 (Backward in time) 動態;當存貨水平不同,價格會變化。針對每周、所有存貨水平、先前價格...所以動態規劃在這裡可以得出最佳解。
- 流量平衡方程式:進一定會等於出。三種形式。所有的機率和一定等於一。
研究 (Research)
Journal articles:
- C.-H. Hsu and H.-C. Yang, Suboptimal Explainable Scheme for Machining Outcome Estimation, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 7, No. 3, July 2022, pp. 7834 - 7841.
文章 (Atom)