If you are interested in operations research, machine learning, data science, and its real-world applications (in supply chain, business, smart manufacturing, etc.), please email me your resume and transcript to schedule a meeting or online chat. Please refer to this blog for more details about your resume. (Guides for students, paper presentation in the group meeting)
We welcome students with computer science, math and statistics, physics, and (industrial) engineering backgrounds to join our lab.
Please ensure you are comfortable with the (introductory) material in math and Python which are free once you log in.
The Analytics Edge by MIT professors is a beautiful entry course for machine learning and optimization. You will take some classes in these areas in the first year.
成員 (Team members), 莊敬 202-1 (ISE Building no. 23, room 202-1) (username at gmail dot com)
- 許志華 (Jerry Hsu), advisor (chhsu135)
- 黃薇瑄,碩專班 112 級 (free880130)
- 廖庭煜 (Angus),預研生 112 級 (angus21210)
- 碩士班入學甄試第一名 (First place in the entrance examination for master's program)
- 2023 中原大學電資學院 (College of EECS, CYCU),AI 創意構想競賽金獎 (Gold Medal in AI Creative Concept Competition)
- Ting-Yu Liao and Chih-Hua Hsu, Comprehensive Comparisons of SPLS and HR for Multi-Collinear and Noisy Data, APIEMS, 2024.
- 朱品穎 (Pollie),研究所 113 級 (a0973634180)
- 趙振宇 (Jeff),研究所 113 級 (zz2347605)
- 朱旻為 (Willy),研究所 113 級 (homework7915)
- 簡依光,碩專班 113 級
- 蔡瑋強,碩專班 113 級
- Nyein Sandi Shwe,2025 master (nyeinsandishwesep27) (Bachelor in information technology, Myanmar)
前成員 (Former members)
- 邱寶樟,暑期實習專題 (112 級丙班)
- 大學部:蔡豐安 (111 級丙班),吳韋澄 (111 級丙班),呂苑馳 (111 級丙班),劉耘希 (111 級丙班),林豫核 (111 級丙班),陳育申 (111 級丙班),杜芊宜 (111 級丙班),張瑋珊 (111 級丙班)
- ML 計畫:廖庭煜 (109 級丙班),顏羽軒 (109 級丙班)
- 專題:蔡佳芸 (110 級乙班),葉微君 (110 級乙班),高子涵 (110 級乙班),黃鈺荃 (110 級乙班)
- 專題:許雅婷 (109 級丙班),潘幸慈 (109 級丙班),王喬誼 (109 級丙班)
- 2023 春 SK 計畫:呂宜頻 (109 級甲班),游心蕙(109 級甲班),陳宣羽 (109 級甲班),陳韋蓁 (109 級甲班),林孝澤 (109 級乙班)
- 2022 秋 SK 計畫:莊馨怡 (108 級甲班),江維鈞 (108 級乙班),盧建亨 (108 級電資),林彥君 (109 級乙班),何雅潔 (109 級乙班),洪新凱 (109 級乙班),簡琇茹 (109 級乙班)