John P. Kotter 在 1995 年提出八個缺一不可的實施步驟 (註一)
(1) Establishing a Sense of Urgency(2) Forming a Powerful Guiding Coalition(3) Creating a Vision(4) Communicating the Vision(5) Empowering Others to Act on the Vision(6) Planning for and Creating Short-Term Wins(7) Consolidating Improvements and Producing Still More Change(8) Institutionalizing New Approaches步驟 (2) 中要求
Assembling a group with enough power to lead the change effort
Encouraging the group to work together as a team
所以必須廣納多方意見才能成功,例如工會代表、反對黨領袖、社會公正人士、學者專家等等。但是,這顯然和目前的主事者想法是不一樣的 (註二)。
(註一) John P. Kotter, Leading Change: Why Transformation Efforts Fail, Harvard Business Review, 2007. (經典論文的重印)。使用企鵝的故事說明之。
(註二) 現在 2016 年 6 月來看,這些問題還是存在。