
Chip War (晶片戰爭)

 Chris Miller, Chip War : The Fight for the World’s Most Critical Technology, Scribner, 2022. 






書中的 Chapter 22 Disruption Intel,說明 Andy Grove 利用 Christensen 教授的破壞性創新 (disruptive innovation),顛覆記憶體 (DRAM),轉向 CPU但是,他顛覆的是決定生產平價的 CPU,對抗 AMD;依靠的正是學術人的胡言亂語 (drivel) (1)

第 33 章,再一次說明上述現象。當時,賈伯斯邀請 Intel,幫忙生產智慧型手機的晶片但是,Intel 在個人電腦和伺服器晶片的巨大獲利,讓當時的高層決定放棄這個小市場。雖然,後來 Intel 花了數十億美元,依然無法追趕。事實證明,蘋果的智慧型手機晶片生意非常龐大

第 54 章台灣的困境 (dilemma)。從俄羅斯入侵烏克蘭,說明半導體的重要性。作者從美國人的角度,說明台灣面臨的兩難。

(1) James Allworth, Intel’s Disruption is Now Complete, Medium, Nov 11, 2020.
Grove used the learnings of Christensen’s research to guide Intel over his tenure. One of the most famous examples of this was Grove pushing Intel to do something that companies rarely have the appetite to do: launch a low-margin product that cannibalized its high end products. But Intel did it — they introduced the Celeron processor in 1998. It did cannibalize their Pentium processor to an extent, but it also enabled them to capture 35% of the market they were competing in. Perhaps more importantly still though, it staved off threats from the low end.
“Look, Clayton I’m a busy man and I don’t have time to read drivel from academics but someone you told me you had this theory… and I’m wondering if you could come out to present what you’re learning to me and my staff and tell us how it applies to Intel.”

