- 鄭少凡,拿下華碩專案 「功典資訊」大步躍進,看雜誌第 114 期,2012/6/7
- 戴國良、劉恒成,功典資訊 -- 企業搶佔 Big Data 商機的推手,ETtoday 財經新聞,2014/3/10
在 104 搜尋其工作需求,以 Sr. Big Data Engineer 為例,部份條件
- 5+ years working experiences in software/information service industry with strong competencies in data structure, algorithms, and software design
- 3+ years hands-on experiences in one or more of the following languages: Python, Java, MR, Spark, Scala, or R
- 3+ years experiences with NoSQL Databases and Technologies like MongoDB, HBase, iK, Cassandra, or Graph Databases
- A deep understanding of Hadoop Stack (one or more of the following areas): Map Reduce, Spark, HDFS, Hive, HBase, Hive, Sqoop, Flume, and Yarn