(3/5/2025) 莊愛玲資深經理與陳怡伶資深經理
- 3-Minute Explanation, Hungry Lions And Lamb Puzzle - Game Theory
- Stephen R. Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 1989.
- Habit 2: "Begin with the end in mind."
- 與成功有約:以終為始 → 釐清人生定位
- Begin with the end in mind: Dynamic programming. The algorithm is the foundation of reinforcement learning. When it combines with neural network as an approximation function, it is deep reinforcement learning. The Turing Award goes to 2 researchers in reinforcement learning this year!
- The company used machine learning models, e.g., ARIMA and random forest, to predict the sales. My lab is trying to use new methodologies to improve their prediction accuracy, e.g., Ensemble Modeling.
- WISE-IoT 創新論壇 - 生成式 AI 賦能工廠智動化,研華AIoT共創園區
(2/26/2025) 桑慧敏講座教授
- 桑爸傳承, 數據分析 (YouTube)
- 桑慧敏,一生受用的統計學大數據分析之鑰,第四版,水木書苑
(12/18/2024) 周霞麗副院長 (Vice President Alice Chou)
- If you want to start a business:
- 躍馬中原基金會 莊敬 405室 (ISE Building Room 405)
- 期能協助中原校友成功創業 (Assist CYCU alumni to successfully start their own businesses)
- Required courses in undergraduate business administration
- Steve Blank, Why the Lean Start-Up Changes Everything (精實創業改變全世界), Harvard Business Review, May 2013. (One of the articles in the following collection)
- Harvard Business Review, HBR at 100: The Most Influential and Innovative Articles from Harvard Business Review's First Century, June 14, 2022. (30 articles in 100 years) (Chinese)
- Systematic Innovation Methodology (系統化創新方法) by Prof. Rau might be useful
(10/23/2024) 洪一薰教授 (Prof. I-Hsuan Hong)
- Avinash K. Dixit and Barry J. J. Nalebuff, The Art of Strategy: A Game Theorist's Guide to Success in Business and Life, W. W. Norton & Company, 2010. (思辨賽局)
- 動態規劃 (dynamic programming)
- Jason Acimovic, Stephen C. Graves (2014) Making Better Fulfillment Decisions on the Fly in an Online Retail Environment. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 17(1):34-51. (My blog: Take the expectation of the stochastic dynamic programming problem to reduce complexity and use the dual solution of the resulting linear programming as the approximate solution)
- dynamic programming in game theory
- 決策樹 (decision tree) in operations research (more)
(10/16/2024) 彭為綱博士 (Dr. Ted Peng)
- Jason Acimovic, Stephen C. Graves (2014) Making Better Fulfillment Decisions on the Fly in an Online Retail Environment. Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 17(1):34-51. (Reductions in outbound shipping costs on the order of 1%) (My blog)
- Meng Qi, Yuanyuan Shi, Yongzhi Qi, Chenxin Ma, Rong Yuan, Di Wu, Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen (2023) A Practical End-to-End Inventory Management Model with Deep Learning. Management Science 69(2):759-773. (Table 2. Comparison of Performances of Two Algorithms: Reduce the total cost of JD.com by 40.4% and more)
- Michael E. Porter, How Competitive Forces Shape Strategy, Harvard Business Review, 1979. (One of HBR at 100)
- Michael E. Porter, What Is Strategy? Harvard Business Review, 1996.
Please be professional and honest. (請保持專業和誠實)
Our department arranges the talk at night, especially for the in-service master. It isn't easy to invite an academic speaker during the night. Senior industry managers help with a spirit of dedication. Please show basic respect to the speaker, as it is a courtesy to their efforts and knowledge. For instance, refrain from using your smartphones during the talk.
To save you time, so I asked you to sign your name during the talk last night. Some students cheated on showup records even though I wrote "No cheating" on the top. Since you do not appreciate my offer, you will stand in line to sign after the speech next time.
為了節省您的時間,所以我在昨晚的演講中請您簽名。 儘管我在上面寫了“不作弊”,但有些學生在記錄上作弊。 既然你不喜歡我的提議,以後就在演講後排隊簽名。
If you are late, please record your arrival time on the entrance table. If some students are not honest enough to record their late arrival, I will lock the doors after that at 6:55pm.
Many students do not care about the 10 points of asking questions, so please ask the second one for those eager to learn from the experts. Listening carefully (Satya Nadella at Microsoft, Morris Chang at TSMC) and asking questions are important for your future career, especially in international companies.
很多同學不關心提問的10分,所以請渴望向專家學習的人問第二次。仔細傾聽 (張忠謀) 並提出問題,對於您未來的職業生涯非常重要,尤其是在國際公司。