If you are interested in operations research, machine learning, data science, and its real-world applications (in supply chain, business, smart manufacturing, etc.), please email me your resume and transcript to schedule a meeting or online chat. Please refer to this blog for more details about your resume. (Guides for students, paper presentation in the group meeting)
2024 Franz Edelman Award
2024 Edelman Competition (video, special issue, INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics)
Pierre Pinson, Mikkel Bjørn, Simon Kristiansen, Claus B. Nielsen, Lasse Janerka, Jesper Skovgaard, Kristian Durhuus (2025) Data-Driven at Sea: Forecasting and Revenue Management at Molslinjen. INFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics 55(1):5-21. https://doi.org/10.1287/inte.2024.0177 (2024 Franz Edelman Award Winner) (Keywords: ferry operations, demand forecasting, revenue management, machine learning (by XGBoost))
中原隨筆 (My days at CYCU)
- 商業分析實驗室 (Business Analytics Laboratory):指引 (Guides),論文報告 (Group meeting)
- 翻轉教室 (Flipped classroom)
- Feel stressed (壓力山大) about your graduate studies?,快樂和健康地活著,壓力管理
- 工業系必修 (應用和產業知識):微積分 (計算螺絲的體積),機率與統計,電路和電子學,線性代數,作業研究 (含最佳化),學習數學的四個層次,首頁右側的標籤有更多的資訊
- 學習:學習動力與方向 (1, 2),態度與方法,聽不懂演講時怎麼辦,上台報告的方法與建議,專題和論文的製作與報告 (tips for the final project and your thesis),國科會大專學生研究計畫,如何準備研究所,預備研究生 (4 + 1) (包含資料科學相關研究所和職涯準備)
- 機器學習和作業研究的奇妙結合 (最後一頁:天賦或努力)
- 李芳齡譯,心態致勝:全新成功心理學 (Carol S. Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success)
一些常聽的 Podcast 節目和培養英文聽力的方法
一些常聽的 Podcast 節目 (*),適合坐車、(讓眼睛) 休息、睡前、或運動時聽
- Acquired (new):
- TSMC Founder Morris Chang
- How ARM Became The World’s Default Chip Architecture (with ARM CEO Rene Haas)
- Renaissance Technologies: The best-performing investment firm of all time. A book. The hosts even talk about the hidden Markov process!
- AI with AI
- American Public Media: Marketplace
文章 (Atom)