
Bloated inventories hit Walmart, Target and other retailers’ profits, trucking demand

Mark Solomon, Bloated inventories hit Walmart, Target, and other retailers’ profits, trucking demand, FreightWaves, May 20, 2022. 

However, furniture, home furnishings and appliances, building materials and garden equipment, and a category known as “other general merchandise,” which includes Walmart and Target, among others, reported higher inventory-to-sales ratios, according to government data analyzed by Michigan State.


The Big Data Newsvendor

Gah-Yi Ban and Cynthia Rudin, The Big Data Newsvendor: Practical Insights from Machine Learning, Operations Research, Vol. 67, No. 1, Pages: 90–108, 2019. (MSOM Society 2021 Operations Research Best OM Paper Award)

We investigate the data-driven newsvendor problem when one has n observations of p features related to the demand as well as historical demand data. Rather than a two-step process of first estimating a demand distribution then optimizing for the optimal order quantity, we propose solving the “big data” newsvendor problem via single-step machine-learning algorithms. Specifically, we propose algorithms based on the empirical risk minimization (ERM) principle, with and without regularization, and an algorithm based on kernel-weights optimization (KO). The ERM approaches, equivalent to high-dimensional quantile regression, can be solved by convex optimization problems and the KO approach by a sorting algorithm. We analytically justify the use of features by showing that their omission yields inconsistent decisions. We then derive finite-sample performance bounds on the out-of-sample costs of the feature-based algorithms, which quantify the effects of dimensionality and cost parameters. Our bounds, based on algorithmic stability theory, generalize known analyses for the newsvendor problem without feature information. Finally, we apply the feature-based algorithms for nurse staffing in a hospital emergency room using a data set from a large UK teaching hospital and find that (1) the best ERM and KO algorithms beat the best practice benchmark by 23% and 24%, respectively, in the out-of-sample cost, and (2) the best KO algorithm is faster than the best ERM algorithm by three orders of magnitude and the best practice benchmark by two orders of magnitude.


Online Network Revenue Management Using Thompson Sampling

Kris Johnson Ferreira, David Simchi-Levi, and He Wang. (2018). “Online network revenue management using Thompson sampling.” Operations Research, 66(6), 1586-1602. (Supplemental Material, code, MSOM Society 2021 Operations Research Best OM Paper Award)

We consider a price-based network revenue management problem in which a retailer aims to maximize revenue from multiple products with limited inventory over a finite selling season. As is common in practice, we assume the demand function contains unknown parameters that must be learned from sales data. In the presence of these unknown demand parameters, the retailer faces a trade-off commonly referred to as the “exploration-exploitation trade-off.” Toward the beginning of the selling season, the retailer may offer several different prices to try to learn demand at each price (“exploration” objective). Over time, the retailer can use this knowledge to set a price that maximizes revenue throughout the remainder of the selling season (“exploitation” objective). We propose a class of dynamic pricing algorithms that builds on the simple, yet powerful, machine learning technique known as “Thompson sampling” to address the challenge of balancing the exploration-exploitation trade-off under the presence of inventory constraints. Our algorithms have both strong theoretical performance guarantees and promising numerical performance results when compared with other algorithms developed for similar settings. Moreover, we show how our algorithms can be extended for use in general multiarmed bandit problems with resource constraints as well as in applications in other revenue management settings and beyond.



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  • 國科會大專學生研究計畫,查成果報告。


為什麼工 (資) 管的課程看起來很雜?

(2022) 因為橫跨兩個學院 (工和商),工業系龐雜的內容,和資管系一樣,所以修改一下標題。其實,我的部落格如何選填大學志願,就是以四個專業和李國鼎的話 (第 17 頁),說明這兩個系的重要性。

(2014) 常常聽到學生有這樣的疑惑,我試著以營收管理說明之;針對固定 (如旅館房間、網頁上廣告空間) 且易過時 (如機位、時裝) 的容量或庫存供給下,如何有效地分配庫存 (屬於生管) 和 (動態) 定價 (屬於行銷),以最大化企業之營收;詳細的內容可以參考我的課程



Christian D. Hubbs, Hector D. Perez, Owais Sarwar, Nikolaos V. Sahinidis, Ignacio E. Grossmann, John M. Wassick, OR-Gym: A Reinforcement Learning Library for Operations Research Problems, arXiv:2008.06319v2. (Python)

Reinforcement learning (RL) has been widely applied to game-playing and surpassed the best human-level performance in many domains, yet there are few use-cases in industrial or commercial settings. We introduce OR-Gym, an open-source library for developing reinforcement learning algorithms to address operations research problems. In this paper, we apply reinforcement learning to the knapsack, multi-dimensional bin packing, multi-echelon supply chain, and multi-period asset allocation model problems, as well as benchmark the RL solutions against MILP and heuristic models. These problems are used in logistics, finance, engineering, and are common in many business operation settings. We develop environments based on prototypical models in the literature and implement various optimization and heuristic models in order to benchmark the RL results. By re-framing a series of classic optimization problems as RL tasks, we seek to provide a new tool for the operations research community, while also opening those in the RL community to many of the problems and challenges in the OR field.