- 2025 春 (Spring)
- 作業研究 (下),工業三丙
- 機器學習 (machine learning),工業碩一 (graduate students)
- class participation,weekly schedule
- TA 朱品穎 (Pollie) (email: a0973634180 at gmail)
- Office Hour: ISE 202-1, () - 3 pm
- 書報討論 (Seminar),碩博班 (graduate students)
- 助教趙振宇 (Jeff) (email: zz2347605 at gmail)
- Some information and papers related to the seminar
- 課程組員互評表 (Evaluation form for team members)
- Deadline: the day for the last class meeting time
- Default: If no one answers, everyone will get the same score for project participation. If only 1 person fills in the form, we will use that as the group score for project participation.
- The best way to contact me (email): chhsu135 AT gmail DOT com (主旨
: 修課名稱和班級, 學號, 姓名)
- 作業研究 (下),工業三丙
- 機器學習 (machine learning),工業碩一 (graduate students)
- class participation,weekly schedule
- TA 朱品穎 (Pollie) (email: a0973634180 at gmail)
- Office Hour: ISE 202-1, () - 3 pm
- 書報討論 (Seminar),碩博班 (graduate students)
- 助教趙振宇 (Jeff) (email: zz2347605 at gmail)
- Some information and papers related to the seminar
- Deadline: the day for the last class meeting time
- Default: If no one answers, everyone will get the same score for project participation. If only 1 person fills in the form, we will use that as the group score for project participation.